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Blog Owners Can't Always Re Publish Deleted Posts

Even after being able to find a deleted post in cache, and retrieve the BlogID / PostID, some blog owners may find themselves unable to restore a deleted post.

Until Blogger gives us an actual recycle bin / trash can for deleted pages and posts, some deleted pages and posts just may not be re publishable. It appears that all deleted content is not retained consistently, similar to the legendary "90 days" for deleted blogs.

If you are able to retrieve PageID / PostID, and to retrieve page or post content in a post editor window, you at least have the page / post content.

If you can recover the text, you can publish a new post.

Open a new tab or window in the browser, and hit "New page" / "New post". Copy the content, from the deleted content page / post editor, and paste into this page / post editor window. Then Publish.

You'll end up with a new page / post, but the same content. That saves you 99% of the work.

Having re published the text in another post, setup a custom redirect.

Having created a new page or post from the retrieved content, setup a custom redirect, from the deleted URL, to the new URL. You won't have the same URL, for the deleted page / post - but the URL of the deleted page / post will continue to work, redirected.

This will not, unfortunately, recover comments - they are gone.

This will, regrettably, do nothing to restore comments posted to the deleted page / post. Neither Blogger nor Google+ hosted comments will be recovered, if the deleted page / post can't be re published.

Don't just delete - use "revert to draft" first!

And until Blogger gives us an actual recycle bin / trash can for deleted pages and posts, don't just delete! Always Save as Draft, when taking a page or post offline.


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