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Be Safe - Save Posts As Draft, Before You Delete!

One of the easiest disasters, that you can make with a Blogger blog, is to delete a post.

Every week, we see the anguish, in Blogger Help Forum: Get Help with an Issue.
I deleted my post, by mistake. How do I get it back?
It's so easy to just hit "Yes", instinctively, after you hit "Delete" - and once it's done, you're done.

Unlike many computer processes, Blogger has no recycle bin / trash can, for deleted pages or posts. Hit delete, then "Yes" - and it's gone, Jim. But maybe, not.

Until Blogger gives us a trash can, for pages and posts, use the Draft list as a trash can.

When you get rid of a page or post, don't Delete - Save as Draft. You can look at the Draft list, any time, with one more mouse click.

With 2 more mouse clicks, you can Delete everything in Draft. Or, you can scan down the list, one by one, make sure, and delete selectively. Better yet, just leave posts as Draft.

Just find one post, in Draft, that should not be there.
OMG, I'm not deleting that one!
You can recover, from Draft, easily enough (though with a post you will want to check the date, before you re publish).

Re publishing from Draft will be so much easier than the uncertainly of trying to recover a deleted post, from cache. And of course seldom finding a deleted page, anywhere.

You'll thank me, later.

Comments saidā€¦
I've experienced the same problem, and I was lucky to recover the deleted post by Googling a cached version.

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