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Recovering Admin Console Desktop Access

The Google Admin Console (formerly known as "Google Apps" desktop) is an essential tool, for many Blogger custom domain publishers.

Any blog owner, who purchased a domain from Google before the introduction of Google Domains, may need access to the Admin Console. It's used to change payment or renewal details, to change domain settings - or possibly, to transfer control of the domain outside Blogger / Google.

Not all blog owners, who purchased domains, know of Admin Console - until they need to access it.

Blogger Support wrote the instructional reference, Domain Registration through Blogger, that provides an overview of the Admin Console access process. Not all blog owners will find that advice sufficient.

As with any login, you need to use the right account.

You will need to login to the proper Admin Console account, to manage the domain.

The Admin Console account name will not be the same as the typical Blogger / Google account. A Blogger / Google account uses an email address - and the Admin Console account will have a name which includes the domain URL.

Use an administrative login, to access Admin Console.

When you use the Google administrative login screen, to access Admin Console, use an administrative login. Select or add the right account name, to the login menu - then enter the password. If the right account is not present in the account list, do not settle for what is already in the list.

Keep the administrative session separate from the Blogger / Google session.

Use a second browser, for accessing Admin Console. Clear cache, cookies, and sessions (yes, all 3) - then restart the second browser - before starting.

Legacy domain purchases will need the login token emailed, or in Google Wallet.

If the domain was purchased before December 2012, you'll need an email from Google Apps - or maybe a Google Wallet entry, to find the Apps account login token.

Other purchases may use the "bloggeradmin" account, and email account reset.

If you see "Invalid Request" / "Server Error" when trying to login to Admin Console, you don't setup a new administrator account. You use the account name "bloggeradmin" (already setup, on your behalf), and reset the password, for your Apps domain.

Enter the complete Admin Console account name, ("bloggeradmin@yourdomain") in the Google administrative account reset screen.

Having logged in, use the admin console desktop to complete your task.

When you're able to login to Admin Console, you'll use the Admin Console desktop to verify billing information - then set options for renewal, or alternately, to get instructions and tokens, for accessing the registrar's zone editor.


China said…
This is an old post, but I wanted to say thank you for writing it -- was growing incredibly frustrated with Google for not allowing me to log in but not explaining *what* the newly created admin address was supposed to be. Dug around online for a couple weeks and you're the only person to explain that it's simply bloggeradmin@yourdomain. Incredibly grateful that you spelled out the answer!

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