Some people are particular about the colors used, in their blogs.
They may spend hours - or days - choosing the right shade of gray, to complement the text in the posts. Later, they look at the blog, and discover a glaring discrepancy.
The nature of blog and posts titles, which are captions of links to the blog and to the posts, is not apparent, to all blog owners.
Blog and post titles contain permalinks, for the blog and the posts.
To make it easy to retrieve the blog and posts URLs, Blogger embeds the URLs in the titles. By default, in most templates, the blog title (at the top of the page), and the post titles (just above each post), are captions for permalinks, to the blog and the posts.
Link captions have 3 colour settings, which apply at different times.
Since the blog and posts titles are link captions, they are subject to the three link color settings.

Most templates will have these three settings, in Template Designer.
Those colours need to be distinguisable from each other, yet harmonious.
You need to choose these 3 settings carefully, to make your link captions complement - yet contrast - with the background, with the text, and with each other. And when you're done, you'll have blog and post titles that change colors - as any of the link captions, in the blog, change color.
They may spend hours - or days - choosing the right shade of gray, to complement the text in the posts. Later, they look at the blog, and discover a glaring discrepancy.
Why are the post titles so nasty looking? The titles clash with the posts!These owners may just be discovering the reality of Blogger blogs, and the ever changing title colors.
The nature of blog and posts titles, which are captions of links to the blog and to the posts, is not apparent, to all blog owners.
Blog and post titles contain permalinks, for the blog and the posts.
To make it easy to retrieve the blog and posts URLs, Blogger embeds the URLs in the titles. By default, in most templates, the blog title (at the top of the page), and the post titles (just above each post), are captions for permalinks, to the blog and the posts.
Link captions have 3 colour settings, which apply at different times.
Since the blog and posts titles are link captions, they are subject to the three link color settings.
- Link Color.
- Visited Color.
- Hover Color.

Most templates will have these three settings, in Template Designer.
Those colours need to be distinguisable from each other, yet harmonious.
You need to choose these 3 settings carefully, to make your link captions complement - yet contrast - with the background, with the text, and with each other. And when you're done, you'll have blog and post titles that change colors - as any of the link captions, in the blog, change color.