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Blogger Magic - Make A Selected Posts Main Page

Some blog owners want to publish posts, and have a dynamic main page - but want to restrict specific posts to a tabbed page.

Having created a tabbed page with specific posts, the next question would be
But how do I keep those posts off my main page?
And long ago, there was no good answer for this question.

Then, Blogger gave us the Custom Redirects feature.

Similar to a blog with a static main page, you can publish a blog and make the main page display a select group of posts.

  1. Publish some posts to the "Blog" label.
  2. Publish some posts to the "Home" label.
  3. Redirect the main page to the "Home" label search.
  4. Redirect the main page to one single page.

Just identify which posts you want, on each page.

Publish posts to the "Blog" label.

This is simply the process of setting up a blog, within your blog.

Publish posts to the "Home" label.

Make the "Blog" and "Home" pages complement each other. Identify which posts you want visible, on the main page, using the "Home" label.

Redirect the main page to the "Home" label search.

Add a custom redirect, that references the "Home" label search.
From: / To: /search/label/Home

Publish content.

And finally, publish more posts, to "Blog" and to "Home". That's why you build pages, using label searches.

Redirect the main page to one single page.

This post is

If I wanted to display this post as the home page, it's quite simple. Add a custom redirect, that references this post.

From: / To: /2015/07/blogger-magic-make-selected-posts-main.html

It's easier to do, than to instruct.


BooksChatter said…
That worked nicely to rest my posts - as the labels and the sharing bar were not displaying.
Unknown said…
Is there anyway to link a post to an existing page on a blog?
Nitecruzr said…
Hi Christina,

Thanks for the question. You cannot publish a post to an existing static page - but any dynamic page that's based on a label search can be linked. Just add the right label to the post, and it will be part of an existing dynamic page.
Nitecruzr said…
Hi Christina,

Thanks for the question. You cannot publish a post to an existing static page - but any dynamic page that's based on a label search can be linked. Just add the right label to the post, and it will be part of an existing dynamic page.
Adrian Jansen said…
Thanks for that.


2 questions:

Pages other than my Home page show a bar just above the top post with text "Showing all posts with label Groups Show all posts" Can I remove this ? if so how ?

If I inadvertently make a post and forget to put a label on it, its not obvious where to find it, other than looking in "all posts". Is it possible to set a redirect to find posts with no label, ie the "label = null()" case.

Nitecruzr said…
Hi Adrian,

Thanks for the questions.

The ""Showing all posts with label ..." status message is not hard to remove.

There is no label search, for "null label". "/search/label/" returns all posts. If you intentionally want to index all "unlabeled" posts, you will need to use a "null" label, and a redirect "/search/label/null".

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