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Web Based Businesses Need Multiple Email Accounts

Someone publishing a blog, that supports a web based business, may use email to communicate with the customers - and possibly, to distribute the product.

With a Blogger blog involved, use of email, to communicate with people who you don't know, creates a security risk.
  • A blog, supporting a web based product, may look more interesting to hackers. If it's worth publishing by the owner, it's worth stealing.
  • If the owner uses email, to communicate with customers or distribute the product, some owners may casually use their Blogger account email - and make their Blogger account vulnerable to brute force account hacking.
  • Some owners may even include password hints, in the blog content - making the hackers job easier.
  • At minimum, a successfully stolen blog may be worth a ransom demand, since the blog likely has commercial value.
What enterprising hacker wouldn't invest a few extra dollars to buy a product, to learn an email address and possibly a Blogger account name?

If you have a blog, and a business, use at least 2 email addresses.

This is a situation where a responsible owner will use an additional email account - and one used only for the specific purpose.

  • Distribution of web product.
  • Support of web product.
  • Never also as a base for a Blogger account.

If you have a web based business, don't use the same email address for both your Blogger account, and contact with your customers.

With multiple email accounts, remember all account names and passwords.

If you use use multiple email accounts, note the risks of having multiple email accounts.

  • Having two email accounts creates the means to forget one account name or password.
  • Having two email accounts increases the possibility of forgetting an account name or password. With two accounts, that's double the opportunity to forget one.

Even so, using multiple email accounts - and keeping your Blogger account name your secret - is better than creating both a means and motivation for hacking. But take great care, in maintaining your Blogger account name and password.

If you publish the blog to a company domain - and purchased the domain using Blogger - don't maintain the blog from an account that's based on the domain. Using one Blogger account / domain / email may seem like an efficiency strategy - but it's not.

Keep your public email account, and your Blogger account, separate.

Do not reference the email address of your Blogger account, in your public email account. Whether in an email somewhere - or even in the address book - if your public email account should be hacked, you don't want a successful hacker finding your Blogger account there.

Don't provide a happy hacker access to one account from the other, as Hillary's friend did, with Hillary's email address.

A company support forum is a great alternate communication technique.

With a moderate amount of effort, one might, alternately, setup a company public forum, attached to the blog / website - and direct all support issues to the forum. A properly designed and maintained forum would have several benefits.

  • The forum would look better than email, as a support tool.
  • Multiple company employees could participate, cooperatively.
  • All employees - one or many - could keep their email addresses secret.

Whatever your company size, don't make a hackers job an easy one.

Whatever the size of the company, 1 to 100 - and however you wish to communicate with your customers - keep the email address, used to maintain the Blogger blog, a secret. Don't make it easy for hackers to attack - and hold the company hostage.


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