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How To Transfer A Blog From One Account To Another

Any time you transfer a blog between administrator accounts, you always have at least one administrator.

You will have to have both the source and target owning accounts active, for some time. Don't start this project, if you've lost the account name, or forgotten the password, on one of the accounts. Plan this process with some care.

Note that you may, personally, perform some or all of these steps.

At your discretion, some steps may be performed by another person while you observe - or distant from you. If two people are involved here, be sure that both you and the other person have read this procedure and understand all steps.

  1. If the new owner isn't already a blog member
    1. Login to Blogger, using an account that currently has administrative access to the blog.
    2. Using the Permissions wizard at Settings - Basic, add a new blog member, using a suitable email address used by the person being given access.
    3. Login to Google, under the email account targeted in step 2.
    4. Open the email received, and accept membership, using any valid Google account. Or setup a new Google account, if necessary. This gives you a blog with team membership.
    5. Note that the email account used initially, and the Google account may, or may not, be the same.
  2. Login to Blogger, using an account that currently has administrative access to the blog. Using the Permissions wizard at Settings - Basic, make the new member an administrator, by selecting "Admin" in place of "Author". Be careful, and only add administrators who you can trust, and who you reasonably expect to continue to be available. This gives you a blog with team ownership.
  3. If you're transferring ownership, not adding an administrator
    1. Login to Blogger, using the account that was just given administrative access.
    2. Using the Permissions wizard at Settings - Basic, remove the old account. Using the newly added account, to remove the old account, assures you that the account just added now has administrative authority.

If you're doing this in preparation to switching your Blogger, GMail, or other email account, do not discontinue the current account until you have executed, and tested, step 2, by successfully performing step 3.

If the current account has any other Google features, such as AdSense, GMail. or Picasa, do not delete the current account. If you uploaded any pictures to any of the blogs, using post editor, your pictures are stored in Picasa - and they will not be transferred. If any pictures are hosted by the current account, do not ever delete the account.

Be careful, and use the right account for each of the transfer steps.

Google authenticates using one account, for multiple tasks (Blogger, Google Apps, Google Mail, and others), using cookies. There are 3 ways to ensure that the correct Blogger account is used, during the transfer procedure.
  1. Use 2 different browsers (on one computer, or on two computers) - one browser for using the current Blogger account, the second for setting up, then using, the new Blogger account.
  2. Clear cache, cookies, and authenticated sessions, then restart the browser, after each of the first 3 steps.
  3. Carefully use the "Use different account" link, when logging in before each of the last 3 steps.
We have found that the advice to use two different browsers is most effective, in this procedure.

Be aware of ownership requirements - and make sure the new owner is aware.

If either the current, or the new, Blogger account is based upon a non GMail email address, be aware of special issues related to non GMail based accounts. And be aware of the relationships in general, between Blogger accounts, email addresses, and Google accounts.

And now with the blog having a new owner, make sure that the new owner knows to retain access to the account - keep both the account name / password, and the email address, current, remembered, and secure.

For another view of the control transfer process, see Blogger Help: How do I move a blog between accounts?.


Administrator saidā€¦
FINALLY!!!! Thanks for the posting... I've been emailing this to the Wish List for a while now... However, whenever, who cares! I'm glad it finally works and I can move my blog... Just did it, and it works perfect.

Thanks again!!!
Unknown saidā€¦
Yes it's about time they did this. Finally!
Dusty Reagan saidā€¦
Finally indeed! Thanks for the post! Now I can finally use all the fancy new Blogger features!
lyss saidā€¦
Anonymous saidā€¦
This is great.
Faff saidā€¦
once you have transferred your blog from your old google account to a new google account, how do you change the profile linked to that blog?
Nitecruzr saidā€¦

You change any profile from your dashboard, when you're logged in under the account that uses that profile. You can change anything but the account name (ie the email address that the account is setup under originally).
CrookedLink saidā€¦
ok i transferred a blog on i had on an account which i originally set up with email. Then i set up another account under and i did the whole permission thing on the yahoo acount but when i log into the gmail account the blog isnt there
Nitecruzr saidā€¦

Did you refresh cache after logging in to the new account? Are you certain that this is the same account as you logged in to, when accepting membership from the invitation email?

Your expression "the whole permission thing" is a bit vague. Are you posting in Google Blogger Help anywhere, so we can discuss this in detail?
Felicia Nu'Man saidā€¦
I'm just a little confused. I have made new account the admin on the old blog with all my original posts. So, if I remove the old account name from the old account blog permissions, then how will it show up on my NEW blogger account (that has a new name and new address, etc). I haven't deleted anything yet. I'm just the admin on both accounts. HELP!
Nitecruzr saidā€¦

Do you have control of the blog, from the new account? Login to the new account. If it has administrative access, you'll be able to remove the old account, or change it to Guest status. But only change the old account, while logged in to the new account.
FNUM saidā€¦
I must be a real dope, because I can't understand this whole process. Yes, I have control over the old blog in the new account. So, all I need to do is remove the old account from the permissions list on the old blog while logged in to the new account and the posts will be there in the new account? I just want to move all these posts over to the new account...without losing them. Thanks for helping...
Nitecruzr saidā€¦

Is the blog and the posts there in the new account right now? If and only if that's true, you can then remove the old account, while logged in to the new account.

Just make sure that you're happy with the new account. Test carefully. When you're sure that the new account has what you need, remove the old account.
Anonymous saidā€¦
I am so confused... nothing worked and now I cannot even sign into my old blog from my new gmail blog I was forced into signing up for!!!

Can you please help?
Nitecruzr saidā€¦

I'll try to look for your thread in Google Blogger Help. That's where we solve problems best.
wheresmycave saidā€¦
Perfect - thanks!
maria. saidā€¦
P-E-R-F-E-C-T! you saved me!
thank you very much!
Anonymous saidā€¦
okay. I understand this process perfectly and have followed thru on my blogs, however the invitation email isn't coming thru to the gmail I sent it to.

any hints?

Nitecruzr saidā€¦

An invitation from the Blogger Permissions wizard to actual GMail (you do refer to ""?) should be instantaneous, and shouldn't be filtered. But make sure - check in the Spam folder. Then, resend the invitation.
Jacob Da Jew saidā€¦
Followed your instructions, great help. TY.
Kelli saidā€¦
i worked it out thanks
Pallavi Sharma saidā€¦
Thanks a ton for this writeup.
It was immensely helpful!!
Unknown saidā€¦
so if i delete the old author/admin (email address), it won't delete all the posts associated with that author? It will just attribute them to the new administrator right?

because i don't see anyway to switch the author associated with the blog posts to a new author
Reciprocal Test saidā€¦
THIS ROCKS! Thanks! And BTW, if you've DELETED the blog completely and then want it back under a different username, you can follow the steps above by RE-ADDING it, same blog name, on the account you initially created it with. THEN do the steps above to transfer to a new account. Phew!

Yes, deleting author won't delete their posts or their name as autors. they just don't exist anymore as active authors, but their names will remain as authors of prev posts
The Trendy Mommy saidā€¦
Hubert van Doorn saidā€¦
Thank you very much for posting this. It's helped me and as I can see, many others.
Tim Turner saidā€¦
Here's where I landed by searching with my question. I just want to make sure I understand what I'm doing. I created a blog that is associated with a gmail account, jdoe@gmail; I signed up for Google Aps after creating a domainname and a new google account to associate with my existing blog... using the name of my blog and everything. However, I cannot access my blog by logging into blogger using my domain account... which was the original purpose. Is the action I need to attempt?
Nitecruzr saidā€¦

If you're trying to manage the blog from the domain account, then transferring the blog to that account is what you need to do.

Be sure to clear cache and cookies, especially if you're doing all of the work from one computer.
scrapfaerie saidā€¦
I think I love you!!! My old email was never used so I needed to change to my new one! Thank you so much for posting this!
Christina saidā€¦
This post was incredibly helpful. I wanted to switch email addresses since I got married (use the new name) and couldn't figure it out how to do it! Also, I got tired of logging in/logging out from my gmails. Thanks so much for posting this!
Mrs. J. saidā€¦
Thank you so much!
Kohli saidā€¦
yes, this is what i have been looking for, a life saver, thank you, thank you, thank you!
Admin saidā€¦
thank you.....
Admin saidā€¦
once again thank you...
Brand: xenocide saidā€¦
thanks for the info~ ^_^
Stephanie Gerson saidā€¦
thank you SO MUCH for this, and for fielding all these questions. just two more: is it really necessary to clear cache and cookies? just curious because you warn about how drastic this is.... ;)
Nitecruzr saidā€¦
Hi Stephanie,

In normal cases, clearing cache and cookies should not at all be necessary. When people get to needing this article, though, they are frequently so much in need of additional assistance, that it's best to err on the side of caution.

I've seen enough posts about people who have ended up with redundant accounts, or duplicate blogs, to not be cautious here.

If you can do this with 2 different computers, you can maybe do without clearing cache and cookies. If you have to use both the sending and the receiving account from the same computer, you better prepare to clear cache and cookies at least once.
Dyllos saidā€¦
I can log into two different Gmail accounts at the same time by using two different browsers (IE and Firefox) - it may make this job a lot easier and quicker.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Thanks for the post. It worked great. I do have a problem however. Now that I have transferred ownership from one of my google accounts to another, the "by line" on all of my post previous to the tranfer have the old profile name associated with them. I want those old posts to reflect my new google account and different profile name. Is that possible? Thanks
Nitecruzr saidā€¦

Unfortunately, ownership transfers just allow you to use a different account in the future. They do nothing about posts made in the past, under the previous account / profile.
Rengganis saidā€¦
Thank God, you're a big helper to me! I've been looking for this solution for a long time.
Thank you for posting this.
LiLi saidā€¦
Amazin Books saidā€¦
Very useful tip thank you.
Katie saidā€¦
what about all of the blogs i follow ect? is there a way to transfer them?
Nitecruzr saidā€¦

Like the problem with Following and blogs being renamed, Following relationships aren't carried across account changes. You open a new account, you have to start over with Following. Sorry.
ips.jolly saidā€¦
thank GOD you saved my life ! ;)
A suggestion: if you work in two different browsers (ie. Firefox for your old account and Safari for your new account) you don't have to keep logging in and out. Just switch back and forth between browsers. Just be careful which browser goes with which account.
Blue saidā€¦
as i understand it, doing this will make an entirely new profile. so whereas my current profile has been around for 4 years, and had thousands of profile views, if i just want to change the email address i log into my blog with, i have to create a new profile with no hits, no views, and a new "start date".

why is it such a big hassle to just change an email addy? my original one has my real name in it. but i want to use my blogger nickname, while still being "me" in my profile. seems like a simple enough thing...but apparently it isn't. {sigh}
Nitecruzr saidā€¦

The email address is the name of the account. In IT terminology, it's called an "index". Data structures that use indexes are generally not designed to allow you to change an index, you have to create a new index.

Why do you worry about profile view count? Your visitors read your blogs, to enjoy your blogs. Your profile only tells what other blogs you have, and it's accessed from links from your blogs. And the profile view counter isn't consistently maintained.

If you like numbers, put one or two visitor meters on your blog(s).
RaiseHimSane saidā€¦
EXCELLENT! Thank you so much for posting - couldn't find the answer anywhere. Cheers!
David Chin saidā€¦
Thanks Chuck, It was hands off for me regarding accounts for a long time, until now. You have explained it well.
Tiffany saidā€¦
The email account that I am trying to transfer my blog to (Email #2) is already listed as the one and only administrator on my dashboard. Yet, I can only access my dashboard from Email account #1.
In other words, I can't add email #2 as an admin, because it already is. Yet, I am not getting the same privelidges with email #2 as I am with email #1.
I'm sorry if you have already answered this question...
Nitecruzr saidā€¦
Jeremy etc,

Here's where you think outside the box.
hayleypearl saidā€¦
Thank you so much for ending my frustration.
yes!!! thanks sooooo much... muah..
Kelsie saidā€¦
this is definitely the article I needed!

one question: is it safe for me to take my previous account off of admin, so long as I don't delete the original email/account associated with a blog?

I had a gmail address before and got a new gmail address (a more professional one with my name rather than song lyrics) and just want my blog on that account...
thanks for the instructions as you described them step by step and it made me more easy to change from one account to another.
Nitecruzr saidā€¦

As long as you are absolutely certain that your new account has administrative authority, it's safe to remove the previous account. Just do the deletion from the new account - never use an account to remove itself.
Emtee saidā€¦
Thank You very much! Your instructions were great!
Gretchen saidā€¦
Great! Awesome! Thanks so much!!
my scrap book saidā€¦
i've added the new account in the old blog and it success. But if I remove the administrator's name, can I "comment", "design", "monetize", "stat" and whatsoever as old account? (now the things "comment","design","monetize", "stat" not appear as i'm not delete the 1st administrator yet)
Michael saidā€¦
THANK YOU! I have been trying to figure out how to do this for a while now!
Sherry saidā€¦
No idea if you're still answering questions about this tutorial, but I thought I'd give it a shot.

I followed your advice to a T and it all worked perfectly (thank you for that!). But now I just want to be certain of one thing. If I were to log in using my NEW email and DELETE my old email (in a few days this email will no longer be active at all) will my photos from all my posts authored by this "old" email STILL be on my blog? I read somewhere that the photos uploaded from your "old" email account will no longer be able to be seen.

My blog is of my 2 kids and you can imagine how many photos I have on there! I don't even want to think about what I'd do if they were all deleted.

Thanks for the help!!
Nitecruzr saidā€¦

Thank you for asking this question, before doing something irreversible.

If your pictures were uploaded to the Google servers most recently, using the post editor Picture Upload button, they are probably hosted in Picasa.

If you transfer control of your blog, which displays pictures hosted in Picasa, and you delete the old Blogger / Google account after transferring control of the blog, your blog will reference non existent content.

In short, and as you are guessing, deleting the old Blogger / Google account would be a very bad idea.

Having said that, I will point out that you can delete the email account itself - if it's not a GMail address - without causing this problem. However, deleting the GMail account associated with a Picasa account is not a good idea, as noted.

As a second "however", if you intend to abandon or delete the non GMail email account, please first make sure that you know the Blogger account name and password - and write them down, and save in a sealed envelope or something - to be used if at sometime in the future, you need to re enable the Blogger account for some reason. If you don't know both the account name and password, recover access to the Blogger account while the non GMail email account still exists!
Zahra saidā€¦
once i transfer my blog over to my new gmail address, can i let my old gmail address just expire? or will it expiring also cause my blog to be deleted, since it is the original address associated with my blog?
Jack Lucero Fleck saidā€¦
Sorry to be a dunce, but when I add the new email address and make it an administrator, how do I log in under that address? When I go to blogger with that email address, it doesn't show my blog. As of now blogger still only lets me log in with the old address, even though it doesn't show as an administrator.

Thanks for your help!
Stacia saidā€¦
Great post!! Thanks. I'm not sure I followed you word-for-word but here's what I did - for the person ahead of my comment.

I ended up logging in and out of the accounts. From the original go to permissions and add your other email address as an administrator. Then I personally, logged out of that one and into the new address. From that address I deleted the other administrator. ....I complicated it way more than this but I think it's that simple. I had to redo my profile under the new administrator but the blog is still there in tact. Perfect.
ninjafitchic saidā€¦
I wanted to let you know that this post really helped me out by explaining how to add other members to my blog.Now I have removed myself completely and am currently using my new account.

Thanks again.
Sueli Vieira saidā€¦
Thanks a lot!!!!
Unknown saidā€¦
Wowww, Finally! Thxxxx bro!
thanks a lot /////:) finally transferd all blogs ..thanks a lot
Aggy saidā€¦
It took me a year to find this information. THANK YOU!!!
Unknown saidā€¦
Thanks for these instructions. It was difficult enough to find the settings-permissions in the old blogger interface, but I did. I never did find it in the new blogger interface - well I did but only at the last step. Only had two blogs to combine under one gmail account, and the old one had been created with a non-gmail address apparently before google swallowed blogger. But I did it! Thanks again! at
Leon Pek saidā€¦
Hi, I was just wondering if you delete the old acc (old author), will the posts written by the old author be deleted as well? Cause I want them to stay. Thanks in advance.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Saved my life too. Thanks a million!
Robert saidā€¦
Ok I followed the procedure to change email login. But how and why I'm I still getting comments to the old
email address and it's no where tied to my blog? Did I miss something
Nitecruzr saidā€¦

This is the procedure for changing the email address, only as it relates to ownership of a blog. This does not affect either comment moderation / notification, or Mail-to-Blogger, email addresses. The various values in the different Settings menus are totally separate from blog ownership.
Saying I do saidā€¦
Hello, this was very helpful to me...however, I'm having an issue with my profile. I really don't want to have to "start over" creating a whole new profile and going through allll my blogs to re-follow them, so I'm going to keep my old email/profile active and have both gmail accounts active as "admins".

Is there a way to have only ONE profile show up on my blog sidebar...because now it got rid of my profile description and just lists the two "authors" with a link to the profiles.

It's very frustrating to have to sign into two different accounts just to maintain my daily email and also comment on blogs with the same profile I've been using for years...not challenging for brides who get married and change their name!
Nitecruzr saidā€¦

What you need is a custom "About Me" gadget - which is a 15 minute job.

I have a similar question as Tim above. I created a new gmail address (i.e Then I created a blog ( Then I signed-up for new custom domain ( Then I created a new email address in google apps on the new domain ( Then I transferred blog ownership as detailed in this post from to Then I went into publishing in the new account and tried to point to the newly purchased domain (from to It gives me this error: "Another blog or Google Site is already using this address." I had not made the switch in the old account to point to the new domain. How can I get my to point to my and be owned by
I hope this all makes sense.

Thank you!
Zamhari saidā€¦
very hepful
Anonymous saidā€¦
It was really a very helpful post, sir, it will definitely help many bloggers. Thanks a ton.
Thank you so much for the support. Never would have figured it out myself.
Chanel N5 saidā€¦
Hi. I made a transfer from one gmail account to another. I have about 700 followers and I would like to know if I can delete my old gmail address, (now I use the new one for my blog) but without losing my 700 followers? Thank you!
Unknown saidā€¦
Just wanted to say a big thank you for these helpful steps! They worked just fine to get my blog transferred over to my current Google account. Thanks again! God Bless!
Thanks for your post. It's a pity I haven't found it earlier.

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