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Custom Domains: A Small Status Update

Google Custom Domains is a great way to combine the versatility of an externally published website (letting your blog be accessible thru a non-Blog*Spot URL), with the feature set of a Layouts template blog. But many Bloggers know the full story - - Custom Domains still needs work.

For those of you who are using a custom domain, and would like for instance, "" to be accessible as "", we have a small status update.

I asked
Do we need more people suggesting that "" should equal "", or are you guys actually working on that issue?

And was told
We're working on that, too :)

So, Chuck, you can't always get what you want. No, that's another issue altogether.

I guess that it's another case of recommending both Patience, and Persistence. Try a mixture of both.

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Unknown said…
Well this is encouraging. I hope the issue is fixed soon with minimal work to be done on our end. I will try and remain patient and optimistic.

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