Most of us who publish a Blogger blog just setup a blog, and start.
Some people already have a web site, and simply want to add a Blogger blog to the web site. Other people have two (or more) blogs, and want to display all blogs as one.
You can combine your blogs and / or web sites using various techniques - and each different technique produces a slightly different effect.
Static merge of one blog, into the other.
As a one time ("static") merge, you could export the posts from one blog, and import them to a second blog. This technique will work best if you don't have links between the posts, embedded in the text of the posts - and if you don't have lots of titles which could conflict.
If you do a static merge, make the "import" and "publish" steps separate.
If you statically merge the two, you can still keep the content somewhat separate, with multiple logical blogs within one blog URL.
Dynamic links of each blog, to the other.
You could simply link the blog, and the web site, to each other. You can have links embedded in the posts, in a linklist in the sidebar, or even in a tab bar "page" entry, at the top of the page, to take your readers between the blog and website pages.
Newsfeed content from one blog, displayed in the other.
You could display one or more feeds from the blog, on a page in the web site. Note however that this won't work, if the blog is private.
If your other web site provides a feed reader accessory, similar to the Blogger Feed gadget, you're in luck. Just enable the feed on the blog, and activate the feed reader accessory on the web site. Provide the feed URL for your blog, and you're in business.
If the other web site does not provide a feed reader accessory, you can still use a feed. Just take the feed for your blog and convert it to a FeedBurner HTML feed. You can add the FeedBurner provided code into an HTML gadget, or a post, in your blog.
If you want to include a specific portion of the blog, you can use a feed based upon a label.
Language / Regional ("hreflang") content cluster.
If you have multiple blogs, that discuss the same subject, but differ only by language or geographic region, you can setup a language / region blog structure.
Website ("custom domain") content cluster.
The URL of the web site and the blog, being combined, will improve name recognition from your readers, and from the search engines.
You make the blog a part of the web site domain structure, by publishing it to a sub domain of the web site. You can have one blog, or many blogs, in the domain. By using a carefully constructed naming convention, you can display a collection of BlogSpot URLs as a cluster.
Some people would like to add - or even replace - their Blogger blog with a non Blogger blog / website, and use the domain that's currently used by the blog. That can be done - but first try to understand the complexities of such a project.
Template design content cluster.
You could use the blog template on the web site, and make the blog and web site look like the same space.
There's nothing magical about the template either, it's just a CSS stylesheet. You can adapt the template from your blog, and use it in the web site. Or you can take the template from the web site and use it in your blog.
Iframe embedded content cluster.
You could display the blog, in an IFrame, on a page in the web site. Note that IFrames are subject to security restrictions, and may not work from BlogSpot.Com, on everybody's browser.
Virtual blogs, within a main blog.
You could segment your blog, into multiple virtual blogs - and have one or more blog segments, of different subjects.
Going the other way, instead of combining blogs / websites, you could break down the blog into segments - and have one or more blogs within blogs.
If you segment your blog, you might want to have something other than a standard main page - either a static main page, or a main page with selected posts, might be useful. You can even make your own warning page, in front of controversial content.
None of these techniques are mutually exclusive.
You could do any, or all, of the above, in combination. Think about what you want to accomplish, and use your imagination.
You could do any or all of the above, depending upon how much work you wish to do. You can have the blog published to a custom domain, and generate a feed, which can be converted by FeedBurner or FeedDigest into HTML, and displayed in a page of the web site. And you can use the same template for all of it.
For a multifaceted way to connect blogs and web sites, try Following, a combination of feeds, backlinks, and miniature icons based upon our personal profile pictures. Or you can use a Blogger BlogList, which is a blogroll (linklist) that includes feeds from the blogs (web sites), directly on the other blog.
Be careful, and use common sense - don't do this for abuse.
Given the many possibilities, be careful and use common sense. Don't make your blog look like a gateway - or like a spam blog farm member.
Other than the cautions, look at the possibilities, and exercise your imagination.
Some people already have a web site, and simply want to add a Blogger blog to the web site. Other people have two (or more) blogs, and want to display all blogs as one.
You can combine your blogs and / or web sites using various techniques - and each different technique produces a slightly different effect.
- Static merge of one blog, into the other.
- Dynamic links of each blog, to the other.
- Newsfeed content from one blog, displayed in the other.
- Language / Regional ("hreflang") content cluster.
- Website ("custom domain") content cluster.
- Template design content cluster.
- Iframe embedded content cluster.
- Virtual blogs, within a main blog.
- None of these techniques are mutually exclusive.
- Be careful, and use common sense - don't do this for abuse.
Static merge of one blog, into the other.
As a one time ("static") merge, you could export the posts from one blog, and import them to a second blog. This technique will work best if you don't have links between the posts, embedded in the text of the posts - and if you don't have lots of titles which could conflict.
If you do a static merge, make the "import" and "publish" steps separate.
If you statically merge the two, you can still keep the content somewhat separate, with multiple logical blogs within one blog URL.
Dynamic links of each blog, to the other.
You could simply link the blog, and the web site, to each other. You can have links embedded in the posts, in a linklist in the sidebar, or even in a tab bar "page" entry, at the top of the page, to take your readers between the blog and website pages.
Newsfeed content from one blog, displayed in the other.
You could display one or more feeds from the blog, on a page in the web site. Note however that this won't work, if the blog is private.
If your other web site provides a feed reader accessory, similar to the Blogger Feed gadget, you're in luck. Just enable the feed on the blog, and activate the feed reader accessory on the web site. Provide the feed URL for your blog, and you're in business.
If the other web site does not provide a feed reader accessory, you can still use a feed. Just take the feed for your blog and convert it to a FeedBurner HTML feed. You can add the FeedBurner provided code into an HTML gadget, or a post, in your blog.
If you want to include a specific portion of the blog, you can use a feed based upon a label.
Language / Regional ("hreflang") content cluster.
If you have multiple blogs, that discuss the same subject, but differ only by language or geographic region, you can setup a language / region blog structure.
Website ("custom domain") content cluster.
The URL of the web site and the blog, being combined, will improve name recognition from your readers, and from the search engines.
You make the blog a part of the web site domain structure, by publishing it to a sub domain of the web site. You can have one blog, or many blogs, in the domain. By using a carefully constructed naming convention, you can display a collection of BlogSpot URLs as a cluster.
Some people would like to add - or even replace - their Blogger blog with a non Blogger blog / website, and use the domain that's currently used by the blog. That can be done - but first try to understand the complexities of such a project.
Template design content cluster.
You could use the blog template on the web site, and make the blog and web site look like the same space.
There's nothing magical about the template either, it's just a CSS stylesheet. You can adapt the template from your blog, and use it in the web site. Or you can take the template from the web site and use it in your blog.
Iframe embedded content cluster.
You could display the blog, in an IFrame, on a page in the web site. Note that IFrames are subject to security restrictions, and may not work from BlogSpot.Com, on everybody's browser.
Virtual blogs, within a main blog.
You could segment your blog, into multiple virtual blogs - and have one or more blog segments, of different subjects.
Going the other way, instead of combining blogs / websites, you could break down the blog into segments - and have one or more blogs within blogs.
If you segment your blog, you might want to have something other than a standard main page - either a static main page, or a main page with selected posts, might be useful. You can even make your own warning page, in front of controversial content.
None of these techniques are mutually exclusive.
You could do any, or all, of the above, in combination. Think about what you want to accomplish, and use your imagination.
You could do any or all of the above, depending upon how much work you wish to do. You can have the blog published to a custom domain, and generate a feed, which can be converted by FeedBurner or FeedDigest into HTML, and displayed in a page of the web site. And you can use the same template for all of it.
For a multifaceted way to connect blogs and web sites, try Following, a combination of feeds, backlinks, and miniature icons based upon our personal profile pictures. Or you can use a Blogger BlogList, which is a blogroll (linklist) that includes feeds from the blogs (web sites), directly on the other blog.
Be careful, and use common sense - don't do this for abuse.
Given the many possibilities, be careful and use common sense. Don't make your blog look like a gateway - or like a spam blog farm member.
Other than the cautions, look at the possibilities, and exercise your imagination.
I did this with 2Dolphins when I revamped the site early this year and I think (hope!) that it's difficult to tell where the dynamic Blogger-created content ends and the pages I've created with Dreamweaver begin.
You can see it at
Do you have any ideas for fixing this?
I'm new to blogging and struggling with some technical issues related to this post. Wondering if you could help out please.
I have four different themed blogs. I would like to host (don't know if that's the right terminology) all these on a 5th blog while still keeping the other blogs seperate. So when I update any of the four this will (dynamically?)show up on the 5th.
I'm not talking about iframes or the little dinky widget feeds that blogger provides. What I want for example is that if I post on blog 1 and then blog 2 that the entire content of those posts will show up on blog 5 in the order that they happend (not just as links to the original posts). Is this possible? I'm sure it is somehow.
Sorry for going on so long, I've tried a few different help groups for this and I haven't quite got the answer that I've been looking for yet, so I tried to be specific here.
I sort of found an answer,I just signed up for a account where you can aggregate a whole bunch of different feeds, so everything you do on the net e.g. blogs, facebook, twitter can show up there if you want.
I would like to discuss this with you. I think that a question in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken would be a good place to continue.
How about using a BlogList gadget? A bloglist uses the blog feed, and only displays the content of the most recent post.
Or if I create a new page and entitle it as blog, I'm a little confused as to how to have a feed of my blogspot blog on there. Any help?
This would be better discussed in BHF: How Do I?.
I want to incorporate my blog(blogspot) into my website (built on, hosted through in the way that best OPTIMIZES the website for search content.
Is this through a subdomain? Do I create a subdomain through blogspot, wix or godaddy? Do I need to link them somehow? cname?
Idiot-proof step-by-step directions with limited technical speak would be greatly appreciated!
Your problem really needs to be discussed in public, in BHF: How Do I?, for best results.
Am at a debit level of knowledge.
# if I use one blog as master for two separate blogs (one English, one French) I ASSUME I just need main blog, with links to each language?
# Can I create a blog "in" Canada for someone "in" UK? Yes know about permissions - weren't sure if they were international.
ciao thanx
Thanks to the immense volume and variety of technical expertise present in the Blogosphere, no "For Dummies" version would ever be both:
1. Accurate.
2. Complete.
3. Up to date.
4. Useful.
If you wish, you may state your need for advice, in Blogger Help Forum: How Do I?, and ask for help interactively. Just be accurate, patient, and polite when you do so.
I have one blog that is going fine. It's actually hosted on Ipage (for the time being) but i manage it all thru blogger. I added another, generally unrelated to the first, and that went fine. However, I now want to add a third which will be simply a Hebrew-language version of the first blog.
Problem #1: When i try to do "Add blog" i can chose a name, url, and template, but then nothing - no OK, no Save, nothing. I'm told I'll lose everything if I X-out, but i don't have much choice. I didn't have this problem when I added the second blog.
Problem #2: If I were to successfully add the new blog, I'd hope to have the interface in Hebrew so that visitors can read and follow all the directions in Hebrew. Will this change the language interface of my other blogs?
Finally, I'd hope I can just kinda have a little button that links one blog to the other, then have them look essentially the same.
if you need to see the site, it's:
any suggestions? thanks a bunch,
I wonder though, is there a way that I can incorporate commenting as well? I don't just mean listing comments from the blog via a feed, but so that people can actually make comments ON this other website. I'm sure this is more complicated, but can you point me in the right direction?
Blogger allows - and encourages - us to publish blogs and add various gadgets that use newsfeed content. Both content from our blogs, and from other blogs, can be used.
Using many feed services is not an issue. The issue is using content from other blogs, in general.
If we publish blogs with no content - or with no original content, we will have a problem with spam classification.
Also, content that is improperly chosen, for the blog's audience, will subject a blog to classification.
i will like to know if is possible moderate the comments from the Gmail or any other email platform, for example, some of my comments come with the email address other just with noreply-comment@
if is some solution please let me know
thanks again
Thanks for the question - and welcome to Nitecruzr Dot Net.
If you are using Blogger hosted comments in your blog - and select "Comment Moderation", and enter a valid email address for "Email moderation requests to" - you will be able to moderate comments using GMail or any other email platform.