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An Oddity In An FTP Published Blog

Periodically, Bloggers will see problems with blogs that have been published by FTP to external web servers. Sometimes when you look in the browser status area, you can see a hint of trouble. Maybe the contents of a given link will be odd.

This is what I expect to see. Mouse over the link "... lower and upper case characters", and you see it's associated with
. This is good.

Looking at Castro Valley Boulevardier, a blog operated by a regional neighbour of mine, we see something that we don't like. Mouse over the link "Midnight Blues" under "Previous Posts", and we see "... midnight blues" in the status area. But we would really prefer to see "... midnight blues.html".

And if we click on the link, we get a page full of HTML. What the heck?

Well, this is what can happen (it's a brief example anyway) when FTP settings get corrupted. Correcting the problem isn't too difficult, though it may look complicated. Take it one step at a time, and you can do it in 1/2 hour or less. Clear browser cache, then test, after each step, as some corruption is easier than others to correct.

  1. You have 2 essential file name settings - Blog Filename and Archive Filename. Each of those 3 should end in ".html". A third, Feed Filename, should end in ".xml". Correct as necessary, Save, and Republish the blog.
  2. Go to Settings - Archives once more. Set "Enable Post Pages", to "No". Save, then Republish the blog.
  3. Return to Settings - Archives, set "Enable Post Pages" to "Yes", Save, and Republish again.
  4. Edit one of the problem posts, and Republish the blog.
  5. Create a new post, and Republish the blog.

This is more like it.


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