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Stats Not Displaying Pages / Posts Counts, For The "Now" Date Range

This week, we're seeing a number of problem reports, from anxious blog owners, in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, who can't see the Stats detail upon which they depend.
My Stats display does not include individual posts counts!

Most people, when providing details, discover that the problem is with their Pages / Posts displays, for the "Now" time range - though for some blogs (not all), we see that "Day" is also affected.

We have a rollup discussion, where we are collecting details from the blog owners reporting.
  1. What is the blog URL?
  2. What is your geographical location (country, state, city)?
  3. What service provider do you use for Internet access?
  4. What browser(s) (name, and version) do you use?
  5. What operating system (name, and version) do you use?
  6. Are you using Classic GUI Blogger, or New GUI (2011) Blogger?
If you are observing this problem, providing as many details as possible may help Blogger to focus on your problem, by identifying a pattern.

(Update 8/20 10:15): Blogger support has resolved the problem.
Thanks everyone for your patience, we've released a fix and Stats should be working without issue now.

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I don't get this process. Does Google know we are having a problem with stats, and are they fixing it?

I have had no "now" or "day" stats for about 36 hours, and even though I'm still showing lots of pageviews, none of these new pageviews is showing up as "post" views anywhere, either in the "week" data or in the total views-per-article that are accessible through 'blogger in draft.'

How do we tell GOOGLE about this?

Thank you.
PornCrabCombo said…
Used several browsers, safari, Firefox. All the same.
Geographical location, Dublin, Ireland.
Has been like this since sometime in the 17th getting neither Now nor Day stats. We can check on sitemeter that people have read several posts but when we check Traffic Sources, they all lead only to the Homepage. Eventhough, we have checked and viewed pages ourselves, they are not being recorded at all, even in Traffic Sources.
Alex Johnson said…
Used Firefox and Safari
No dice, both don't show
Geo.location, Zürich,Switzerland
I've had this problem since the 17th, getting neither 'Now' nor 'Day' stats. I know for a fact that 'stats' are not working as I have entered my blog from other computers, these views do not appear on my stat count, even in traffic sources.

Can some one fix this problem please
Anonymous said…
Those of us on Blogger with adult content warning or other interstitial pages have been living with this since May and it has never been fixed or resolved. Stats do not function at for us except for the counts preceding black hole date in approximately May.
Nitecruzr said…

THere are several major differences between this problem, and the ongoing problem with the "Content Warning" interstitial page ("your problem").
1. Scope: This problem affected every Blogger blog. Your problem only affects people with "Content Warning" interstitial displays, and who also care about Stats.
2. Technical Complexity: This problem was a basic breakdown in Stats. Your problem involves how Blogger maintains the interstitial displays - not just "Adult Content" displays, either.
3. Relative ROI. Your problem affects a small amount of blogs, will require a lot of work to make it good for a small amount of blogs, and the blogs that are involved are not the most necessary to the general audience of Blogger.
One thing that is really interesting about this is how addicted we are to our stats.

They are so fascinating! It would be cool if some researcher would find out if we all 'need' them for the same reasons, or if our love for them differs.
Alex Johnson said…
Stats are very important! Shows some one is reading your post, and where they are geographically. I,for example,was surprised to see I have a quite a few readers from Japan! Besides which,you are able to perceive if the subject you write about is of interest to your readers.
Nitecruzr said…
Right, Alex,

Stats are very important - but you have to understand the limited context. Blogger Stats will never show details about all blog traffic, in all classifications.
Just now, the 'blogger in draft' stats, which provide all time totals for each post, went from being accurate to giving each post a minus-one for total views.

What next?
Anonymous said…
Hello Chuck - FYI page view stats are back for my blog with the interstitial page - looks like they started working sometime last night for the first time since May.
Hussein Nagdy said…
browser : Firefox 7.0.1
blog :
operating system : Windows Xp
Country :Egypt,Assuit
ISP: TE Data
I;m showing total page hits, but nothing for 'day' or now -- and my stats in blogger in draft do not show any hits at all for the past two days.
Ansh said…
browser : google chrome
operating system : Windows 7
Country :delhi, India
Pamod Baviskar said…
not resolved for me

my blog address :

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