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How You Login To Following Affects Your Ability To Follow Blogs

Following, now using Google Friend Connect, gives its members several options - and some of these options may cause confusion. You can login to Following using any account, hosted on any of six different Internet services, and Follow using any of seven different Following profiles. Many Blogger blog owners and guests assume that any blog that they Follow will be visible in their Reading List - and this won't always be the case.

The Reading List, which is where many Blogger Followers read the contents of the blogs that they Follow, is part of our dashboard (or blog list, using the New Blogger GUI 2011). The dashboard / blog list is part of our Blogger accounts.

If you login to Following using a Blogger / Google account, any blog that you Follow will be automatically added to your Blogger Reading List. If you login using any of the 5 other Following account hosts, this won't be the case.

Similar to the confusion from lack of ability to Block Followers, the lack of ability to always find each blog being Followed will be an occasional source of confusion.

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Agh so complicated, how did it get this messy... should have been limited to how you can log in a long time ago.

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