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Improved Porn / Spam Blog Reporting For Blogger Blogs

In January 2008, Blogger improved its blog examination process, and started scanning for hacking / porn / spam blogs more intensely. This resulted in a cleaner (though never 100% clean) "Next Blog" surfing environment. Recently, they also improved our ability to actively participate in the cleanup process.

Knowing the possibilities presented, one should also be aware of the limitations.

If you encounter a Blogger blog with unacceptable content, you can click on the navbar "Report Abuse" link, under "More", which will take you to Blogger Help: Report abuse. There, you can select the category of the problem.
  • Legal issues
  • Regulated drugs
  • Hate speech, violent or crude content
  • Harassment
  • Spam, phishing, or malware
  • Nudity (Note that "Child Porn" may be a sub selection of Nudity)
  • Posting of private information
  • Impersonation
Any claim that you make must be made using the proper category - and any claim must be carefully evaluated by Blogger / Google, before action can be taken. Note, specifically, the differences between Defamation and Impersonation.

Not all claims are automatically judged in favour of the claimant. Innocence until proven guilty is a way of life, and of policy, in the USA.

If the blog in question lacks a navbar, or if you wish to avoid browsing the blog in question, simply go straight to Blogger Help: Report abuse, and fill in the appropriate form (depending upon the selected offense type). Again, any claim made will be subject to review.

For blatant content copying / copyright / piracy violations, a DMCA Violation Complaint may be appropriate (but note the warning provided there). The abuse reporting process will work best with both the DMCA warning, and the Abuse categories, observed with strict accuracy.

If the situation is serious, you might be better off contacting a lawyer - or possibly your local law enforcement agency - directly.

Alternatively, try the complementary Removing Content From Google. Whatever your choice, try and choose properly.


Gandydancer saidā€¦
Got a Facebook phish with a blogspot url that redirected to a fake Youtube site that trid to download software to my computer. Tried to report this as Impersonation (it pretended to be from the Facebook account holder, and nothing else fit) and Blogspot refused to accept the report without a copy of my driver's licence. Un-f**cking believable.
Doug saidā€¦
You must put the same effort you oput into banning adsense accounts used for warez blogs into banning this warez blogs too.
Nitecruzr saidā€¦

Your comment is ambiguous.

When you say "You must ...", does that mean "You really, really should ..." - or does it mean "You apparently do ..."?

The English language is full of these delightful ambiguities, of which not every person is aware.

At any rate, AdSense observations and recommendations probably belong in AdSense Support - not Blogger Support.

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