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Yahoo Site Explorer

Similar to Google Webmaster Tools, we have a tool which helps us develop and maintain our relationship between our blogs and the Yahoo search engine spiders. Yahoo Site Explorer helps us develop a sitemap to initially make our blogs more visible to the Yahoo search engines, it provides us with tools to measure our visibility, and it provides us with helpful hints on how to improve our visibility.

You can use Yahoo Site Explorer for any active URL that you administer. If your blog is published to BlogSpot, you use the "" URL; if the blog is published to a custom domain or externally using FTP, you use the primary URL for the domain.

Using Yahoo Site Explorer for any web site requires that you are the administrator of the web site. Like Google, Yahoo doesn't want anybody who's not the administrator, of any web site, accessing search engine diagnostics for that web site.

The meta tag provided in the verification process is a token, and it must match the URL that you are verifying. If you change the active URL for the blog (rename it within "", or publish it to another domain), you will need a new verification tag. It is as important a data element as the token that you get in your email (a clickable link) when you're offered membership in a blog, or when you verify an email address, for an account (you click on the link, which opens the token, and applies it to your account).

As with Google Webmaster Tools, you install the token into the blog template, to verify ownership of the domain (blog). Only a blog administrator has the authority to update the template. If you don't install the token into the template, you can't prove that you own the blog, and you can't use Yahoo Site Explorer for your blog.

Elsewhere in Yahoo Site Explorer, you'll find the Web crawl statistics. Some information in the statistics can be very useful to you, while other is informational only. It's to your advantage to separate the two categories.

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