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Allow Comment Posting Through Email

If you're like me, you moderate comments that are being posted to your blog. How many times have you needed to reply to a comment, after you moderated and published it, but just didn't feel like making the effort.
  • Open the post in question.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the post and the comments (or open the commenting screen / window).
  • Enter a reply in that little tiny box.
  • Hit "Post Comment".
  • Wait to see if the comment posts, or do you again see
    Your reply could not be processed.
You're in your email program, why can't you post a reply, to a comment just published, through email?
  • Hit "Reply".
  • Compose your reply.
  • Hit "Send".
  • Get on with life.

Tell Blogger to allow us to post replies to comments through email, as we moderate through email.

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Susan said…
Maybe Blogger thinks that some email not intended to be public would get confused with public comments?

Re: How many times have you needed to reply to a comment, but just didn't feel like making the effort.
Wow - never. I'd love to have that problem!
Nitecruzr said…
That's an interesting idea, Susan.

How do you confuse private email with a blog comment? Better yet, how would a private email to you get posted to your blog as a comment, by you hitting "Reply"?
Susan said…
Hmmm ... if I had to guess I'd say I probably have no idea what you were talking about in the first place. Right?
I thought it was that I would post comments to a blog by emailing the blogger rather than this way. But you mean only that the blogger could reply to me by email.
I really only understand about half of what I read on your blog, but ... gotta start somewhere.
Nitecruzr said…
Good point, Susan. I don't always write as coherently as I'd like, though with folks like you being patient and persistent with me, I hope to improve.

BTW, what is "sdsup" - an acronym, part of your name, or a question? Just curious...
Found the information worthy as I had no idea of posting a comment on the blog. Thanks for giving such a great idea with us.
Very good post. It really helped me a lot, will be referring a lot of friends about this.Thanks a bunch for sharing such a great idea with us. Keep blogging.
vps hosting said…
A very clever idea, will implement it as soon as possible. Keep up the good work
That's really an interesting idea. Nice discussion, i've just stumbled on on this blog and I've learned a lot.Thanks! Keep blogging.
storesonline00 said…
Its really an innovative idea. I agree with the majority of it, it seems to make sense. Keep blogging.

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