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Recovering A Deleted Page Or Post

In late 2010, Blogger Support announced that they cannot provide the service to restore deleted posts.

Once you (the blog owner) delete a page or post, it's gone - though we have asked for a recovery option. Fortunately, there are several possibilities, to recover deleted pages or posts - though some work may be required.

There are several possible techniques, for recovering one or more deleted pages or posts, that were previously published.

The choices of recovery / restore may depend upon how the deletion / removal occurred.

The post was saved as Draft, because of DMCA violation accusation.

If Blogger deletes a post, because of an accused DMCA violation (righteous, or spurious), you'll find the post saved as Draft. You can, possibly, republish the deleted post(s) - though if you don't have the DMCA Violation accusation resolved, you risk having your Blogger account and blog deleted as a repeat and unrepentant offender.

The post may be retrievable from search engine cache.

If you can find the content of the post, in search engine cache, you can retrieve the PostID. Knowing both the BlogID and the PostID, you can edit the post, and re publish it.

If I was to delete this post, I (or another blog administrator), when logged in to Blogger, could edit this post, and Publish it again, using the Post Editor URL and the PostID - possibly with some extra effort.

You should see some or all of the following detail, in the top portion of the post - when you are able to find the post in cache. You can find "blogID" in other areas of the template. "postID" may be a bit elusive, though.

Note that different templates will put the "blogID" and "postID" in different places. What we see here is from this blog, previously published to the "Simple" template.

<meta content='24069595' itemprop='blogId'/>
<meta content='8899607620317019913' itemprop='postId'/>
<a name='8899607620317019913'></a>
<h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'>
<a href=''>Recovering A Deleted Page Or Post</a>

Using "blogID" and "pageID" / "postID", I can build the recovery URL:;postID=8899607620317019913

Similarly, for a deleted page,;pageID=8872543322493900789

Blogger Page / Post Editor may use a different URL structure. Alternately, you may try


Using the above technique, and substituting your blogID and pageID / postID, you can recover the entire page or post, including all content and formatting - and the original URL. This technique won't work for un indexed blogs, or for new pages, however. Private blogs are unlikely to be indexed, also.

In some cases, even if you're able to retrieve the postID and recover the post editor session, you may be unable to re publish. If you get a bX error when re publishing, copy the contents from HTML mode - then make a new post, and paste. After you publish the new post, under a new URL, you'll have to add a Custom Redirect, from the Old URL to the New URL.

The post may be retrievable from blog feed.

You may, with a little work, be able to retrieve the BlogID and PostID from the blog posts newsfeed, using a text browser.

In that case, you can re publish the post, using the above URL construction. This may work, for pages, also.

If search engine cache isn't available, and if the blog publishes a post feed, you can possibly subscribe to the post feed in Google Reader or a similar feed reader, and retrieve the text content of the post. Having the text of the missing post visible to you, you can copy and paste the content, into post editor, and Publish the post again. Again, this may similarly work for pages.

Feed content retrieval will provide text, which must be reformatted.

Using this technique, you'll have to reformat the post content - as feed content is formatted relatively simply. When you publish the post, it will publish as a new post, with a new URL.

Again, add a Custom Redirect from the Old URL to the New URL, if you want to retain post reputation. This technique won't work for private blogs, or for blogs where the feed is disabled.

So, if you delete a post, or if Blogger deletes it on your behalf, there are various options for recovery - though neither search engine cache nor blog feed options will likely work, for private blogs. And some options may be more or less desirable than others.


Jitendra Indave saidā€¦
its really bad news for bloggers that since 2010 google not providing facility to recover delted post.
Sweet Root Village saidā€¦
I was just selected two posts on the second page of my posts to delete. Turns out all 50 posts on the previous page were still selected???? I just deleted months and months of posts, and there is no undo button........
Nitecruzr saidā€¦

I have warned people before about using the "Edit Posts" / "Posts" menu to bulk delete posts.

Your best bet is to get started. Recover 5 posts / day, and be done in 10 days. Or, recover 25 posts / day, and be done in 2 days. You choose.
Thank you, I'm new to the world of blogging, I've been trying to recover a deleted post, going around in circles reading how to notes, even attempting to follow You Tube without success. Two days and eight hours later you saved the day! I thought I was a lost cause, but I finally got it!

Thatā€™s one down, I still have other things to tweak on my blog before I'm satisfied, but can one ever be satisfied.. Thank you.
April saidā€¦
You just saved me a ton of heartache. THANK YOU!
Racing Raisins saidā€¦
thank you so much!!!
Juju saidā€¦
Excellent!!! Thanks much for your help saidā€¦
Just saved my bacon! Thank you for this post!
Unknown saidā€¦
Simple and intuitive tricks that can help any bloggers out there. I hope this post shows up on the first page of Google for those who are looking for an instant fix for this kind of issue they are facing.
Tricky saidā€¦
Thank you so much!! I was able to restore my old post :D
Christine Davenport saidā€¦
What about restoring an old version of a post? Blogger deleted all of my info in a post, but not the post itself? I was left with a blank page. Any ideas?
Angie's Recipes saidā€¦
ok, I got the postID, but when I was trying to publish the post, I got error message Whoops, that's an error! (bX-a38qe)
Nitecruzr saidā€¦
Hi Angie,

Thanks for reporting this.

Yes, unfortunately, not all blogs will support post re publishing. We've asked Blogger to provide a post "un delete" option, as they do a blog "un delete" - no action, yet.

If you were able to find the postID, you can go back and retrieve the post content. Then, you publish a new post. You can redirect the deleted URL to the new URL, so your readers won't see the "404".
Unknown saidā€¦
Somehow got back the post matter and it show up only on home page. Now problem is when clicked on post url, no blogpost is there only keywords are present. :(
What to do....??

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