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Custom Domain Publishing - Moving Back To BlogSpot, Using The New GUI, Isn't Obvious

The New Blogger GUI (2011) has been available for just over 6 months - and we see new confusion about using it, daily, in Blogger Help Forum: How Do I?.
How do I cancel my custom domain redirect, in the New GUI?
This is one specific question, that's been asked, recently.

The answer to that specific question is actually right there, in front of us - we just don't see it.

Blogger, like Google, likes to use overlay panels for some displays, such as how you see the picture below - when you click on it.

In the new GUI, if I look at the Blog Address settings for this blog, in Settings - Basic - Publishing, I see

See the "X"?
(Click on the picture, to better see the details.)

"Edit" is a link, that lets me "Edit" my custom domain settings. The "Edit" wizard (which simply pops up in the same display, when I click on "Edit") does not let me change the URL of the blog back to BlogSpot - and this is the start of some confusion.

To remove the custom domain redirect, and re publish the blog to the domain - or publish back to BlogSpot - one must click on the "X" in the top right. With the publishing shown as                Edit               X     redirects
clicking on the "X" lets me remove the custom domain redirect. Clicking on "Edit" only lets me change specific custom domain settings, such as selecting the "naked domain" redirect option.

When you click on the "X", you will get a verification popup.
Are you sure? This will remove the current custom domain.
And you'll want to hit "Yes".

So, click on the "X" (it's actually in black - I show it in red, above, to make it more obvious), to clear the custom domain redirect and publish back to the original BlogSpot URL. If you don't see the "X", click in the upper right corner of that window - to the right of "Edit" and just left of the window border. Apparently, not all browsers display the "X" properly.


KNK said…
Again, thank you for your worked!

Jevaughn Brown said…
Thanks for the clear explanation.
Casa cu cadouri said…
thank u, it was very useful
Ashley Chappell said…
You just saved me another at least another hour's worth of headache. My publisher gave me a subdomain on their site but I didn't find out until I tried the re-direct that their web designer still hadn't updated the DNS settings for my blog. My Chrome apparently is one of the browsers that don't display the 'x' even though I was able to click the spot where it should be after seeing your screen shot. Thanks so much!
Lina said…
Thanks to this post you helped me more than you can imagine. THANK YOU.
Sundewsun said…
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I have been losing sleep over this, as it appeared there was no turning back. I can not tell you how much you have helped me. Many blessings to you!
Thank you SO MUCH! I never would've figured that out!
Unknown said…
Thank you! It was to obvious to register.
Jennifer said…
Wow! Thanks! big help!!

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