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Two Level Comments And The Comments Time / Date Stamp

Yesterday, Blogger Support delivered one long awaited improvement to our blogs - two level commenting. It was eagerly awaited - and as soon as the Buzz announcement hit the Blogosphere, people were busy checking out the new feature.

Predictably, problem reports have been rolling in, all day today, in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken. One noticed problem report concerns the date / time stamp on the comments.
All of the comments on my blog, even on previous posts, now show an incorrect time. I double-checked my setting, it is correctly set my local time.
The general consensus appears to be that all comments are now posting as Pacific Time (USA), regardless of the blog time zone setting.

This problem, along with several others, has been reported to Blogger Support - and they are now looking into this issue.

Watch this space for updates.

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Barbara said…
My comments are no longer numbered, which is a bummer. I hope that's one of the things they're looking into.
Any news about the timezone of comments? I like to view the timing of my blog comments in Italy zone (GMT+01) and not in Pacific zone!
Robert said…
I'm in central time, Blogger is showing two hours behind. The comments in Admin /Delete show correct date posted?. Hope you can resolve this soon.
Thank You

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