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Make The Stats "Don't track ..." Option Work

Some blog owners, having published their blog to their new custom domain, find that the Stats "Don't track my own pageviews" option has now stopped working - and their activity, on their blog, is being counted.

Owners of custom domain published blogs, who consider their own activity to create significant inaccuracy in Stats figures, may not be pleased to discover Stats unable to ignore their activity - even if they did previously select the "Don't track ..." option. Finding it inconvenient to locate the misbehaving filter that prevents the Stats "Don't track" cookie from being installed on their browser, they will complain in Blogger Help Forum: Get Help with an Issue.

We now see a possible workaround, for this problem.

If you can't get the Stats "Don't track my own pageviews" option working in your browser, using the dashboard Stats - Overview wizard, you may be able to create the required cookie, manually.

Copy and paste the URL below, into the address window in your browser - and substitute the URL of your custom domain published blog, for "".
Note this cookie will need to be created on each browser and computer that you use. If your cookies are personal by computer user - as in Internet Explorer on Windows computers - this cookie will be likewise unique.

Like all cookies, the cookie created won't be permanent. If you clear cookies, you will have to recreate this cookie.

As with many Blogger problems, this workaround may not work, for everybody.

If your problem involves a misbehaving script filter, a manually created cookie may or may not be useful. A manually created Stats cookie will also provide you no help with problems with any of the many Blogger dashboard utilities - or with Commenting, or Reading List.

The manually created cookie will simply allow you a workaround, for a misbehaving cookie filter, that prevents Stats from installing a "Don't track ..." cookie on the browser in use, for the blog owner in question.


Anonymous said…
Thanks for this helpful info! I made the cookie you stated above, and it seems to be working... will check back in if anything changes. Thanks again!

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