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Publishing Your Blogger Blog Post To FaceBook Fails

During the past weekend, we started seeing a number of reports in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, from blog owners who participate in FaceBook, and who can't publish their blog posts to their FaceBook Wall. The problem appears to be common to both publishing using the "Share to FaceBook" button in the blog post (within Blogger), as well as the Wall posting wizard (within FaceBook).

We have a problem rollup in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, where we are collecting details from the blog owners reporting.
  1. What's the URL of your Blogger blog?
  2. What's the URL of your FaceBook Wall?
  3. Were you posting from your blog post (using the "Share to Facebook" button), or directly to your Wall (within FaceBook)?
  4. Is the email address associated with your Blogger account GMail, or non GMail?
  5. Is the email address associated with your FaceBook account GMail, or non GMail?
  6. Is the email address associated with your Blogger account the same as the email address associated with your FaceBook account?
  7. Were you logged in, as the blog owner, to Blogger?
  8. Were you logged in, as the Wall owner, to FaceBook?
  9. What post did you try posting, to FaceBook?
  10. How recently were you able to, successfully, post to FaceBook?
  11. Does your Blogger account use a Blogger profile, a Google profile, or a Google+ profile?
  12. If you were posting to your Wall, did you solve the CAPTCHA successfully?
  13. What browser (name, and version) are you using?
If you are observing this problem, with your Blogger / FaceBook accounts, providing as many details as possible may help Blogger / FaceBook Support staff to focus on your problem, by identifying a pattern.

(Update 2012/01/94): It appears that most people are now able to post to FaceBook. Some people are now reporting a new annoyance
You are attempting to post a link that has been marked as abusive and/or spammy.

(Update 2012/01/01): After having examined the many diagnostic reports provided in the rollup discussion, and having done some testing, I am suspecting that the problem does not have a simple cause, that's solely the responsibility of Blogger. Blogger Support appears to support this conclusion.

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Editor said…
just wanted to tell you I loe your blog and your an awsome help really you are...!!
Unknown said…
LOL! Clearly the problem didn't exist until changes were made to Facebook's UI. Which started rolling out at the same time these problems started arising.
Jans Funny Farm said…
I've had the same problem and asked about it on FB. Someone on FB responded, Facebook has disconnected the 'link' between our blogs and our walls. They say that now we have to post the individual links in status updates."
Cloudia said…
Seems to me that it only happens if I neglect to type a comment in the box

Thanks for informing & helping us!
D.B. Echo said…
Eh. I gave up on automatically publishing my blog to Facebook long ago - too many problems. Nowadays I just manually post a link to each post on my Facebook page. Sitemeter makes it easy to see how many visitors I'm getting from Facebook.
Unknown said…
I have looked through the questions on the Help page regarding not being able to post blog to Facebook page. I have published everyone of my blogs on Facebook for a year. I have never had any problem. I have done nothing differently, yet I can not post my last blog entry to Facebook. The blog entry was written on Christmas Day, so this problem is new. The only thing I did differently was upgrade to the new interface. I've since gone back to the old one, but that did not help to post of Facebook.
Belinda Davis said…
I understand you are collecting info from bloggers regarding this issue for-which I am one of them - I have been watching the forum for an update but have not seen anything yet. Do you have an estimated time as to when this problem will be fixed or at least post an update on what you are doing to resolve the problem. Thank you so much for your help - God Bless

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