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Owners Of Blogs, With Images In The Header, Report Changes In Header Appearance

During the past few days, we're seeing a few reports in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, from owners of blogs that use an image in the header, instead of or in addition to, plain text, claiming changes in the appearance of the header. The exact problem report varies - that the image has been resized, has shifted in position, has become pixelated, or has simply disappeared.

We have a rollup discussion, where we are requesting details from each person observing this problem in their blog.
  1. What is the URL of the blog?
  2. What exact symptom are you observing, that's a problem?
  3. Does the blog use a Blogger or third party template?
  4. Does the blog use a Designer or Layout template?
  5. Has the blog been configured for a Dynamic template?
  6. How did you setup the image, that is in use on your blog? Did you use the Layout "Configure Header" wizard, did you upload the image using the post editor "Insert image" wizard, or other?
  7. If you used the "Configure Header" wizard, which Image / Placement options did you select?
    • From your computer.
    • From the web.
    • Behind title and description
    • Instead of title and description
    • Have description placed after the image
    • Shrink to fit
  8. Can you find the image on your computer? If so, what is the name of the file, as uploaded? Is it a .bmp, .jpg, .png, what?
  9. When you setup / uploaded the image, what browser (name and version) was used?
  10. What browser (name, and version) are you using, right now, where the problem is visible?

If you can provide details, please do so as best as you are able, either here or in the rollup discussion.

In cases where the URL of the image in use can be edited, you may be able to work around your problem, by editing the precise URL. It appears that images hosted by Picasa, which are currently stored in a variety of sizes (which you may see when you use "Insert image", for instance), are now selected in a different way, when you do not explicitly select the right size for your purpose.

Look at the image at the top of the screen. If you were to look at it's URL, you would see:

If that image had been uploaded using the current "Insert image" wizard (in post editor), or the "Configure Header" wizard (in "Page Elements"), it might have the URL

If the latter URL was correct, there would be 4 aliases available:
  • Small:
  • Medium:
  • Large:
  • Full Size:

If I had this problem with my header image, I would edit the URL, in the template, and I would replace:


If your blog has this problem, you may be able to similarly edit your blog - using "Configure Header" or "Edit HTML" - and work around your problem. If you use "Edit HTML", I suggest, as usual, that you backup the template - before and after making this tweak.

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Anonymous said…
We have also been having issues with our header. Its not the end of the world and trying to fix it makes it worse. The only issue with it is that the upper right corner is over lapping the image below ot causing it.

Khaki Pant Painter
My text is translated by internet.
My site was ok for months. Recently the header is reduced and he repeated a few times. Also there is something wrong with the background.
My website is
He is of blogger.
I made my design with Artisteer 3. I have a photo (jpg) inserted in the header of 1000x150pixels, this was the same size as header in Artisteer.
Do you have enough information?
Can you help me?
I'm not a programmer, so I need instructions step by step.
(fun)THEM said…
Hi, Can you please look at I have problem replacing the description with header image only. I want to show only the image.

Can you help me....

Heidi said…
The issue may be with the version of browser that you are using.

Updating to at least IE 8, and or Google chrome may correct the upload issues.

My system was using IE7 and was updated to IE8, and now when I upload my header things look fine.

My problems are solved. I had to replace every S800 by S1100 in the HTML-page, the size of my original design. Before I did that, I downloaded the latest version of Artisteer, because I thought this would save my problems. The opposite happened. There were more changes to the looks of my site. More about this you can find on the forum of artisteer

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