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Missing Followers

This week, we're seeing a large number of reports of missing Followers, and / or the Followers gadget not showing up on various blogs. The reports don't include a lot of detail, though. Very few reports include even the blog URL.

(Update 2011/05/28): Right now, we're all seeing the latest intermittent Followers gadget outage.

Blogger Support is aware of this problem, so be patient.

If you are one of the folks observing this problem, please provide some diagnostic details to the Blogger Missing Followers Reports form.

You may, alternatively, provide diagnostic details here.
  • What is the URL of the blog with the observed problem?
  • Is the blog missing the Followers gadget altogether, or does the gadget show there, with no Followers? If the latter, is the Followers count zero, or non zero?
  • Is the blog in question your blog?
  • If this is your blog, can you look on your dashboard, follow the Followers link for the blog, and see if the dashboard Followers gadget has missing Followers too?
  • Can you check your Reading List - do you have Followed blogs there, and if so, are the feeds up to date?
  • Try setting up, and using, a different Blogger account from this computer. Try using a different computer, with this account. Does the problem continue?
  • What browser (name and version please), and what operating system, do you use?
  • Please look at my blog - do you see my Followers?
  • Where are you located, and what ISP provides your service?
  • Any other problems with the template, such as the comment form not working?
  • Have you also installed "Recent Comments" or "Recent Posts" gadgets? If so, when?

(Update 7/26): From examining the comments below, and the details provided in the forum posts, several trends are seen.
  • The problem seems to be evenly spread across locations, ISPs, and Internet service type.
  • The problem seems to be more common with Internet Explorer. For IE V8, use of "Compatibility mode" (Firefox) appears to be a useful workaround.
  • The problem seems to be concentrated around clients, not blogs. People reporting the problem report observing it in multiple blogs, and other people do not see the problem in the blogs reported.

While answering the above questions, you might also want to consider what security programs and settings you have on your computer, and how you are logged in to Following / Friend Connect, when you observe these problems.

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Jill said…
My followers disappeared a few days ago. I've noticed when I go to other friend's blogs, theirs have disappeared as well. My blog address is

When I go to my dashboard, it shows 50 followers, when I click on it from there, I see nothing. I don't see anything when I go to my actual blog page either.

Any idea of how to fix it?

yonca said…
I still have followers gadget.Pictures of the followers are gone. Also on dashbord i can see how many followers(only number) but when clicked can't see the list, names and the pictures of followers.
Usually I click on their avator to see their blog. Last 2 days I couldn't see my new followers :(
Paige said…

I am having this problem. Mine has been going on for 2-3 days now. I have tried every reboot and removal of cookies and other things that I can think of. The followers gadget is not gone, but it doesn't show anyone. On dashboard you can see the number of people following you, but when you click on it, it doesn't show any profiles or pictures; as if you have no followers. The followers do not show up on the blog page either, and Google Friend Connect is absent as well. This is a problem on both of my blogs.
I am located in Boise, Idaho, United States, my ISP is Cableone, I use the lastest version of Internet Explorer available (I don't know the number) and my operating system is Windows Vista.
I would love to help in any way that I can, if you have further questions please e-mail me at
yonca said…
My followers are back! I 've just trid to open my side again and now, can see the avators!
I'm also having problems, I'm new, I thought I did something wrong or was missing something...dashboard shows # of followers but it does not show who or on the blog itself. The square on the blog showing the followers exists but it is blank.
Nitecruzr said…

Click on the dashboard link "# followers", what do you see?
Chuck, when I click on # followers I get a big blank box.
I'm having the same problem as everyone else it seems. Since yesterday I don't show any followers on my dashboard it shows the number 117 but no faces. Also on my blog page my followers are missing there, too. And also on other blogs I visit.
My blog address is
I've tried AOL, IE and MSN with no luck. My daughter has Firefox and I can see my Followers on there.
lunedreams said… This is my blog, just noticed this PM followers were gone. Gadget still there when I view blog, "FOLLOWERS" and then the little edit icon and nothing in between. The number of followers is displayed on my dashboard but when I click that link I get an empty followers box. The "working" bar at the bottom of the screen looks like something is happening, but it says "done." I suspect the gadget will start working again in a few days...just another Blogger bug. Currently on IE, will try on Firefox tomorrow.
Anonymous said…
am having this same issue. My followers don't show - but the heading to that gadget does.

I have cleared cache/cookies, removed the gadget, saved and put it back - and it still does not appear.

THIS is very frustrating, especially since I am looking for new followers!

HELLLLLPP!! please :o)
Nitecruzr said…

I'm sure that it's very frustrating. But help us out here, try and describe what you see, and what you don't see. The details that you provide may be the clues that helps Blogger identify the problem.
Christie said…
I am having the exact same problem as everyone else has described here. The avatars are not appearing on my blog, but on the dashboard it shows followers 13, then when I click on the followers they don't show up. The updates for the blogs I'm following does show up on the dashboard.
i just dicovered that my followers are showing up when going thru firefox but not when going thru internet explorer, if that helps at all...
starry plough said…
Still not resolved. On my blog the followers gadget is still there. On my dashboard it still says 10 followers, but when I click on the followers it is blank. Yesterday when this first happened I got an error message bX-f980aw
Hope this helps
Yvonne said… is having the same problem. My followers are gone, although there is space where they used to be. It doesn't even show the 'followers' heading never mind the icons etc.

I've only three followers (I'm new at this) but when I click on the followers in the dashboard their icons are not visible either.

Sometimes they reappear on my blog for no reason!

My list of blogs I'm following seems to be okay and up to date and these are some of the people who are follwing me.

I'm using IE8.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Okay, I'm back. Yesterday I had problems with my Followers and thought it was fixed after I cleared my browser cache. I went on my blog this morning and I'm back to the same thing - NO FOLLOWERS!! I cleared my browser cache again but with no luck! :( They're still missing. Any help?

Thanks, Kris
Denise O said…
My followers have disappeared as well. When I go to my blog, I see the heading Followers but nothing listed underneath. From my Dashboard I can see the number of followers, but when I click on that, I get the Followers screen but no avatars or anything else.

My blog is
The frame appears but no avatars within it.
Dashboard list is empty. Reading list is OK. in Newcastle UK ISP and using IE8
and1moremeans5 said…
i am having the same problem its been going on for a few days now. gadget is working but when i click on the followers icon on the dashbord i am shown nothing! The gadget is not showing on my blog page either just a blank space with no photos

Jorge Dunkelman said…
Same problem, no followers images showing in my blog (
The Followers area in the dashboard is empty too.

Any help will be most welcome.
Missp1410 said…
my blog is

I noticed yesterday that the word "folowers" is still there, then it is just about 5 inches of blanks space where the names and pictures used to be. I deleted the gadget and added it again and that didn't fix it. The dashboard shows that I have 7 followers. When I click on followers on the dashboard, it doesn't show any followers, it is like they are gone.
Yes, the word followers is there on my blog and on all the blogs I visit, but I can't see the followers ... my blog is:
My followers disappeared a few days ago, also. It's the pictures that are gone. The followers gadget is still there just no pictures.

Why not said…
I'm having the same problem in my blog since yesterday.

My blog URL is

I can see the gadget, and that there's 1 more follower but can't see neither him not the previous,

Already checked my Followed blogs there, and the feeds are up to date.

Located in Spain.

NO other problems by now.

Have installed 1 new gadgets, but after the problem was detected. Blogs i follow.
Third day follower and comments not visible. Done everything suggested but still no fix.
Andria said…, and •What is the URL of the blog with the observed problem?
NO. GADGET IS THERE. NONE OF MY 123 FOLLOWS ARE THERE, THOUGH. •Is the blog missing the Followers gadget altogether, or does the gadget show there, with no Followers? If the latter, is the Followers count zero, or non zero?
•Is the blog in question your blog?
YES. GADGET NOT MISSING. JUST THE FOLLOWERS ARE MISSING. •If this is your blog, can you look on your dashboard, follow the Followers link for the blog, and see if the dashboard Followers gadget has missing Followers too?
AOK, I THINK •Can you check your Reading List - do you have Followed blogs there, and if so, are the feeds up to date?
Seattle, COMCAST •Where are you located, and what ISP provides your service?
EXPLORER7 for Windows •What browser (name and version please), and what operating system, do you use?
NO •Any other problems with the template, such as the comment form not working?
NO •Have you also installed "Recent Comments" or "Recent Posts" gadgets? If so, when?
Ayak said…
My blog is

I am having the same problem as the majority of others here. Followers box has been empty for a few days...when I visit other blogs their Followers box appears empty too.
Staci said…
I'm having the problem too in Internet Explorer 8. The space for the widget is there, but the widget itself does not appear, followers and all. I moved the widget down earlier in the week due to the Operation Aborted error in IE. That seemed to fix that error, and the widget would load. Now it doesn't.

It seems to be okay in FF, Chrome, Safari, and Opera.

On the blogger dashboard, I can see both who I follow and who follows me, but I'm looking at it in FF. I haven't tried the dashboard in IE8 yet.

I do not have a recent comments widget. However, I do have JS-Kit for my comments. I don't know if that matters.

The blog in question is mine:

I'm in Atlanta, Georgia and my ISP is Charter Communications. I use Windows Vista as my OS, but I do have access to Windows XP on an old computer if you need me to check anything with that.
beccy said…
My followers disappeared a few days ago. I have the followers gadget but avatars and number are gone. On the dashboard it says I have followers, but when I click the box is empty. I am still following other blogs, that seems fine.
I am located in York, UK. My isp is sky broadband. I use the latest internet explorer. My os is vista.

beccy said…
Oh, I forgot. I did install linkwithin recently. Might be important?
Becky said…
my followers pictures show on my blog, but when I check to see who they are I have a blank screen.
My followers have been gone for a few days as well. Sometimes they show up and most of the time it's just blank. Under my dashboard it tells me the number of followers that I have but it does not list them of show their photo. Please help! Thanks!
My Blog:
My followers gadget does not have a join this site button. It simply has the title Followers, and below it this message:

We're sorry...

The item you are looking for was not found or has been deleted. Please try again.

my blog address is

My isp is sbcglobal/pacbell

I'm using a Mac with Firefox browser

Please help! it works fine on my original blog that is now private at

Please email helpful info. to

Katlynne LaSalle
Sue Houghton said…
Yes, I'm having the same problem as all of you. Been 2 days now.
I'm using IE8
Blog is

Dashboard tells me I have 15 followers but doesn't list them andno avatars.

On the main blog page, the word 'followers' is there but blank beneath it.

I've visited friends' blogs and all their followers are missing too. Seems a widespread problem.
Suzy said…
I have the same problem as Yonca. On the dashboard, none of the list of the followers show up.

I'm on XP, AOL, firefox and Bing and they don't show up anywhere.

I have 204 followers and they never show up except for on Firefox, but no browser shows the complete list like they used to.
lunedreams said…
having no problem on firefox. I think it's an IE thing. installing firefox when I get home, sick of IE.
Anonymous said…
My URLS are: &
Doesn’t show the gadget at all.
Both blogs are under my acct.
Neither shows up when clicking through the dashboard to the followers tab.
Through my dashboard, my followed blogs are showing up (although they disappeared for a few hours yesterday.) The feeds all show up as active and current through my Google Reader.
I am located in Utah and Comcast is my ISP.
I use Internet Explorer ver. 8 and I use Vista.
I cannot see your followers either.
My comment form seems to be working fine.
I have not installed any new gadgets.
Reba said…
I was so excited to have another follower (not that many so each one "counts" :) but when I went to my dashboard ( to find out who, it showed my follower number. I clicked on it, and it just shows a big empty box. I just looked at a friend of mine's blog who has a LOT more followers than mine. On her blog, it just shows an empty box. I don't have the follower gadget on my blog, but I tried adding it just to see if that would help. It didn't. It was just an empty box. Now I can see the blogs I am following at the bottom of my dashboard. But that is it. I am using Internet Explorer on Windows Vista. I could see my followers last week. Thanks for any help!
NikonSniper said…
my blog is

I noticed yesterday morning that you could no longer see the followers on my blog. The word "followers" is still displayed but there is just a blank space where the follower pictures used to be. I have not done anything differently than before.
The dashboard shows that I have 957 followers. When I click on followers on the dashboard, it doesn't show any followers, it is like they are gone.
Please help!
Thanks, NikonSniper

(I copied a comment from another blogger, as my prblem is identical to theirs.)

I am having this problem. Mine has been going on for 2-3 days now. I have tried every reboot and removal of cookies and other things that I can think of. The followers gadget is not gone, but it doesn't show anyone. On dashboard you can see the number of people following you, but when you click on it, it doesn't show any profiles or pictures; as if you have no followers. The followers do not show up on the blog page either, and Google Friend Connect is absent as well. This is a problem on both of my blogs.
I am located in Goodyear, AZ, United States, my ISP is Cox, I use IE8 and my operating system is Windows XP, and I cannot see the followers on your blog. As far as I can tell, everything else is working perfectly.

If you have further questions please e-mail me at Thanks for your help!
Scrappy quilter said…
My followers have disappeared as well and many blogs I go to I cannot see them either. When I go to my dashboard, it shows how many followers I have. When I go to actual blog page, it shows the word followers and nothing else.

This started 2 days ago and hasn't changed.
Scrappy quilter said…
I'm having the same problem. And when I look at your blog, I see no followers.

It shows how many followers I have in my dashboard. When I go to my main blog page, all it shows is "followers" and the rest is blank. This has been for the last 2 days.
DeuxBuckChuck said…
problem just started for me today (7-24)
No followers showing up.
~~Deby said…
I am like the first commenter:Alex and Jill, which means I do not see the followers on your page....
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
PictureGirl said…
I cannot see my followers.
I cannot see others followers on their blogs. On my dashboard, it shows the number of my followers but when I click on them, nothing.

My followers are not on my reading list either. Reading list is not up to date.
MS Internet Explorer
Windows XP

This has been going on for over a week. Two days ago (Wed. July 22) My followers were back and gone again the next day.

No other problems. No new gadgets.

Please, any help?
Casanova said…
Nothing shows on my blog...I only have the title "followers" showing and nothing else! I can see I have 26 followers on my edit page...but nothing on the blog! Casanova
Casanova said…
No followers showing at all...nothing showing on the blog (zero)! Casanova
Casanova said…
No followers are showing on my blog at all! I need help!
GlennDL said…
Hey nitecruzr, your followers are missing to...
Stephanie said…
I'm STILL having problems with this issue (it happened all of a sudden this week)
•What is the URL of the blog with the observed problem?
•Is the blog missing the Followers gadget altogether, or does the gadget show there, with no Followers? If the latter, is the Followers count zero, or non zero?
the gadget is there showing no followers (count is non-zero)
•Is the blog in question your blog?
•If this is your blog, can you look on your dashboard, follow the Followers link for the blog, and see if the dashboard Followers gadget has missing Followers too?
the dashboard shows followers, but followers are missing when I click on it
•Can you check your Reading List - do you have Followed blogs there, and if so, are the feeds up to date?
Yes, and yes
•Where are you located, and what ISP
provides your service?
Johnstown, PA (Verizon)
•What browser (name and version please), and what operating system, do you use?
Internet Explorer and Windows Vista
•Please look at my blog - do you see my Followers?
•Any other problems with the template, such as the comment form not working?
•Have you also installed "Recent Comments" or "Recent Posts" gadgets? If so, when?
Elana Johnson said…
My followers haven't been showing up on my blog for over a month. My dashboard says I have 121, and I can see them from there. But on my blog...nada.

The gadget is there, I put a yellow box around it. It's empty. No little heads. No button for people to click to follow me. Nothing.

I can see your followers--and the followers of every other blog I visit--but not mine.

I'm using Firefox on a Mac using OSX.

This has been an ongoing problem for me. Any help you can give me would be appreciated. :)
comfibag said…
•What is the URL of the blog with the observed problem?

•Is the blog missing the Followers gadget altogether, or does the gadget show there, with no Followers? If the latter, is the Followers count zero, or non zero?
the gadget is there showing no followers (count in the dashboard is 6 followers but no pics showing)

•Is the blog in question your blog?

•If this is your blog, can you look on your dashboard, follow the Followers link for the blog, and see if the dashboard Followers gadget has missing Followers too?
the dashboard shows followers, but followers are missing when I click on it
•Can you check your Reading List - do you have Followed blogs there, and if so, are the feeds up to date?
Yes, and yes
•Where are you located, and what ISP
provides your service?
Manchester, UK (Virgin)
•What browser (name and version please), and what operating system, do you use?
Internet Explorer and Windows XP
•Please look at my blog - do you see my Followers?
•Any other problems with the template, such as the comment form not working?
•Have you also installed "Recent Comments" or "Recent Posts" gadgets? If so, when?

Looking fwd to your wisdom. pls email me at

many thanks
Tabitha Bird said…
I have lost all the pictures of my followers too. My dashboard shows the number of followers I have but when I click in this number there are no pictures or information on any of the followers. It is just blank.
The gadget shows up on my blog where it has always been but it only shows the heading 'sign up to follow blog here' and then its blank. No pictures.
My blog is

my email is
This problem started 24th July and is still going on. PLEASE HELP! thanks.
Jo said…
Hi Chuck, Bob from Roberto's blog gave me your link. I am unable to see my followers and I am unable to see any other blogger's followers including yours. My URL is

I do see my followers link on my dashboard but if I click it, it takes me to the followers window and just hangs there - blank - nothing more.(Like "Jeans" in the comments) I see that Blogger says the problem has been solved but I'm still struggling. What am I doing wrong? Jo South Africa
Mesina said…
Been having the same problems as many describe here.

My Blog address:

My location: UK ISP: Sky

My heading for Followers is on the page, but no icons or links to ''click to follow'' or sign in...nothing. The whole gadget minus the heading is gone. I also cannot see followers on other people's blogs.

I can see the number of followers I have on my dashboard, but when I click it, no icons or anything shows, it's just blank.

This problem appeared a couple of days ago, up until then all was fine.

I am using Windows Explorer 8 and Windows Vista operating system.

Let's hope it gets sorted! :)
Aunty Sue said…
Hi i am having the same problem the title followers are there and on my dashboard it says how many but everything else is blanck no list or pictures of followers. Also i cant see any followers on anyone elses blog which means i can t follow anyone new.
If you have any information would love you to share with us.
My blog address is
Rachel Ingalls said…
I also can't see my followers. The first week of my blog, I could, but they disappeared this week. The gadget is there, just not the followers. My control panel tells me three are following though. My blog is
I'm using the latest version of IE on Windows XP Home Edition with SP2. I'm in Oconto, WI and my ISP is Bayland.
Rachel Ingalls said…
Oh, I forgot to mention, I don't see your followers either.
Wendy said…
My followers aren't showing up on my blog or dashboard, either. The gadget is still there, just the content isn't showing up. My blog address is
and I'm using IE and I'm located in WA.
No other problems with the blog. Thanks for any help you can give!
Nemesis said…
I had the same problem in IE8. Today I clicked to compatibility view and all Followers returned.
Marja said…
i have still no followers.
no new gadget installd
the blogis missing the Followers but gadget show there, with no Followers? Jes
on my dashboard i can only see
bloks with collors en no followers
mij blog is
i am located in Holland
windows XP
no i cant see no followers on your blog
please help...
thanks ,Marja
Nemesis said…
I can see your Followers, Marja.
xinex said…
I have the same problem. My followers list disappeared. Please help. My blog address is

Judy said…
My followers are gone, also. I tried removing the followers gadget and re-installing it, but no change.
My URL is: &
The gadget title is showing, and there is a "followers sized blank space" below it on my blog
None shows up when clicking through the dashboard to the followers tab.
On my dashboard, the number of followers shows
The feeds all show up as active and current through my Google Reader.
I am located in Florida and Verizon is my ISP.
I use Internet Explorer ver. 8 and I use Windows XP SP3.
I cannot see your followers either.
My comment form seems to be working fine.
I have not installed any new gadgets.
I have had this problem for a week.
Michelle said…
My followers on my blog are not showing either. In my dashboard it shows I have 48 followers but then when you click on it nothing comes up. They also do not show any pictures on my blog page. This has been going on for about 3 days now. My address is and email is Thank you!
Penni said…
Hi! I seem to have the same problem as everyone else, just noticed it a few days ago.
URL is
Although the followers spot is in the side margin it is blank; dashboard says: 5 followers; the link to followers is also blank.
Followers are missing on other blogs I visit and I didn't see followers on your blog.
I use Windows xp home, and internet explorer.
Thanks for your help.
We Blog Artists said…
I still have followers gadget.Pictures of the followers are gone. Also on dashbord i can see how many followers(only number) but when clicked can't see the list, names and the pictures of followers.
Usually I click on their avator to see their blog. Last 2 days I couldn't see my new followers :(
rickismom said…

I can see on my dashboard (yes, my blog) that I have 20 followers, but when I click to see them, they are not visable.

Operating system: Windows XP professional 2002
Windows internet explorer 8

I do not see the pictures of the followers on your blog
Reading list is up-to-date and visable

I am in Israel, and our ISP is
Irit Levy said…
I have the same problem.
The followers' box is there but empty. I know I have followers but it seems as the box just doesn't work. Not only the followers are not displayed but also the button "follow".
It is the same in your blog.

My URL is:

I am using Vista.

Thank you.
Balladen said…
URL = (my blog)
The gadget show no Followers. The count is normal.

The dashboard Followers gadget is missing too but I can see my reading list and the feed is up to date.

I'm located in Denmark and have no idea what ISP is?

I use IE # 8 with Windows Office 2007.

I can't see your followers.
Aunty Sue said…
Followers have gone missing
I use Internet Explorer 8 and XP
Title followers show on my blog but no number of followers or their pictures. Dash board shows how many followers when i click on the followers on my dashboard a blank list appears.
How can i fix this it has been like this for about a week or so. Thanks Live in Manchester area
•What is the URL of the blog with the observed problem?

•Is the blog missing the Followers gadget altogether, or does the gadget show there, with no Followers? If the latter, is the Followers count zero, or non zero?

gadget is there - doesn't show a count or anything but the heading

•Is the blog in question your blog?

My Blog and all the blogs I visit...ALL of them.

•If this is your blog, can you look on your dashboard, follow the Followers link for the blog, and see if the dashboard Followers gadget has missing Followers too?


•Can you check your Reading List - do you have Followed blogs there, and if so, are the feeds up to date?

I'll see if I can understand what you are asking....?

•Where are you located, and what ISP provides your service?

in WNC and Charter

•Please look at my blog - do you see my Followers?


•Any other problems with the template, such as the comment form not working?

Everything else seems fine

•Have you also installed "Recent Comments" or "Recent Posts" gadgets? If so, when?

haven't installed anything new
Nina said…
Nina P also has "Followers no longer visible":

I've been having the same problem. I have Vista (I think it's Ultima)and go through Time Warner Cable for my internet connection.

I can see Followers listed on some of the blogs I follow but others I can not. This has been for about a week.

The number of bloggers shows up on my dashboard but when I click on that ...nothing... The number of followers on the dashboad has changed over the past few days, but still unable to view who they are.

Also the gadget on the site is inactive for me(it's on the blog but no one listed and does not respond when click on it)

I can see the word followers on your blog page but no one is listed there and I can not click on it.

I don't remember adding any new gadgets recently.. When i noticed it I had one new follower. At that time, the only change was I had one person leave a new comment. His site is:

I clicked on his 365-42 site:

to view....

That's the only "new" thing I remember doing. It was right after that I noticed the follower not working as that morning, I had a new follower I tried to see.

Please HELP!!

Thank You!

Nina P
My follower gadget box still appears but is empty, when I click on it I also get an empty box. I am hearing it is an attack (virus?) by someone that takes you to a 'fetish' site. Please fix!!!
Nemesis said…
I haven't clicked on all blog links, but all that I have I can see your Followers.

Very odd indeed!

Mine vanished, and I couldn't see others, either, as I said above, but returned when I switched to compatibilty view IE8, but it's not Vista.
Susan said…
My followers are missing also. I have the gadget and can see the number of followers I have, but nothing else. I can see other people's followers and my blog updates are current. I can see your blog. I am using windows xp and my service provider is bellsouth. My url is Please help!!!!!!!!!!
Andria said…
Is there any way to find out if google is actually working on this problem or paying attention? When I reported this a few days ago, there were very few comments reporting this same thing. Now that the numbers are increasing by the minute, and I've not seen any official sign that the problem is being addressed.....

Are we just howling at the moon?
Nitecruzr said…

I assure you, they are working on this. I spent an hour in an IM session with Gatsby on Friday. I'm hoping that the details provided by these comments may provide some clues to identify an affinity.

The numbers are bound to increase by the minute, as more people discover that other people are seeing the problem, and that there is a determined effort to diagnose the problem.
Unknown said…
I am also not showing any followers.

The gadget is there, just no avatars.
I see in my dashboard that I have 3 followers (I know, I know -only 3!)
There also doesn't appear to be a link to add any followers.
I use IE8, and Vista
My ISP is fmctc. (a local phone co.)
My followers disappeared a few days ago. I've noticed when I go to other friend's blogs, theirs have disappeared as well. My blog address

When I go to my dashboard, it shows 50 followers, when I click on it from there, I see nothing. I don't see anything when I go to my actual blog page either.

I copied "Alex & Jills" comment. I am having teh EXACT same issue
Andria said…
I just looked at my blog using FireFox browser and the followers show up. The do not show up in IE7.

As I said previously, my blog URLs are,
ISP is comcast.
Location: Seattle, WA
2Wired2Tired said…
My blog is:
I cannot see my followers either in the widget (the widget is there it says FOLLOWERS) or from the Dashboard. Both show big blank spaces. I cannot see other peoples followers either. I also cannot see the follower on this blog. I am using IE8 and AT&T. Dashboard did tell me I gained another follower within the last 3 hours but again, the followers box is empty so I can't see anything. I've been having this problem for at least a week. My blogroll is up-to-date as far as I can tell and it is working fine.
Any help here is greatly appreciated.
Susanne said…
I'm so glad to have found this site, because I've been losing my mind over this. I've had the same problem since 7/22/09. But on that day, I was changing around my background template and thought I'd messed up the followers like some other things. The next day I got everything else back to working order, except the followers.

I'm using IE 8.0, my followers (4) show up in my dashboard but I have no pictures when I click on that. The followers title is on my front page but no pictures or other info. I don't see pictures on other blogs either - just the followers title. Other people are able to see my followers, and I can see them if I use Firefox.

Hoping for an answer soon.
Susanne said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
I am still having the problem today. I am using Firefox only, My blog is(

Last night I followed my own blog using an alternate id and this morning I am still there and the Follow button is there, so I attempted to become a new follower with my daughters information...then MY follow disappeared and so did the Follow button.

I have been promoting my blog to start getting followers but they are either not able to follow or the disappear as soon as another follower follows.

When the Followers Button is gone then no one can sign up.

For some reason the follow list will not allow more than 1 follower, or none.

My dashboard it shows only 1 follower.

feel free to contact me at
my URL is
gedget is availeble but followers are dashboard followers counts is 15.i can look in my dashboard...i dont know abt is web browser..window operating system..i can see your followers..i have installe recent comment gedget..15 days ago.
Hi - this morning I discovered that I have been 'removed' as a follower on the blogs I follow -- though I still see the blog updates on Blogger dashboard.

When I clicked on manage blogs I follow, I got this code:


any idea on how to fix? Is this a temporary problem?
My problem with the error message on the followers gadget has been resolved.

What happened? I had created a blog with the exact same name, but a new blogspot address. I wanted to privatize the original blog, but attract followers to the new one, by using the same google account.

This created a problem, as blogger must have taken it as though my followers from the original blog would automatically show up at the new spot, since it had the exact same name, but new blogspot address.

So here is the name of the original blog:

and the new site

I resolved the followers gadget problem by making sure that the name of the new blogspot matched the blogspot address, ie
I changed the name so the banner now says mydownlowlife2 as well.

Now, the gadget shows up properly instead of showing the error message that it was deleted or lost.

Hope this helps some of you.
Anna D (Admin) said…
Still having the problem today too, but now it has a new twist...
It now shows that I have 2 followers (I actually know for a fact that I have at least 3 because I put them there.).

The Follow button is gone.

It only shows a pic of one of the followers and when I click on the link for 2 followers, it says I have two others but not the one on the top and then they disappear.

I am using Firefox, don't use IE at all.

PictureGirl said…
Will this problem ever get resolved?

I also cannot join as a follower on other blogs because I can not see their followers and there is no button to click to join as a follower.
Re: picturegirl post.

I can see their followers and the follow button, I am using Firefox.

don't know if that helps.
Clueless said…
Thank you for resonding to my problem. I have two blog and under two different user names (ClinicallyClueless and ~stjs) and email addresses (Something Just and ClinicallyClueless (both at Verizon dot com. I left for a family emergency on 5/11 and it was working. I had no contact with either of my blogs until 6/27 when I noticed that only the title showed up without anything else, so I tried to use the gadget. It still worked the same.
Thank you for resonding to my problem. I have two blog and under two different user names (ClinicallyClueless and ~stjs) and email addresses (Something Just and ClinicallyClueless (both at Verizon dot com.
I use Verizon on IE XP Professional.

I still see the number and information from my dashboard and am able to access their site and information from my dashboard.
PictureGirl said…
I updated my java script and I can now see my followers and others followers.

I can also now follow your blog.

Don't know if this helps others or not but I hope so.
PictureGirl said…
What the heck!!!!

Six hours later and I can no longer see my followers.

This is maddening!!!
Anna D (Admin) said…
I agree Picturegirl, it is maddening. Yesterday my FollowING were gone, and my FollowERS were decreasing by the hour.

Today the FollowING list is back and the small amount of FollowERS suddenly fell to Zero.

I am still receiving notices of new followers, so hopefully they all will still be there when twitter gets this fixed...which will hopefully be soon!
Anna D (Admin) said…
Oops, disregard...I mistakenly posted my Twitter follow problem here...strange that they both would be having follow issues.
Judy said…
I posted my comment about this same problem a few days ago. My problem is now fixed. All widgets, followers and follow button are present and accounted for. Thanks
Taryn said… (my blog)

My Followers gadget is still there, but I do not see any avatars/followers listed underneath. If I click on the number of followers on my Dashboard, it brings up a blank page.

I cannot see followers on other peoples' blogs either - yours included.

I am using Firefox and my laptop runs Windows Vista.

I am in Michigan and my Internet provider is Comcast.
Tee Brown said…

Yes, I still see the gadget.

No, I do not see ANY of my followers pics/avatars. There's just blank space where the followers should be. This is also the case when I click on the "followers" link from my dashboard.

No--I cannot see the followers on anyone else's blogger sites either.

I use IE. My OS is Vista.

This has been ongoing for at least a couple of months.

There are also certain other blogger sites for which I CANNOT leave a comment. But I suppose that's a separate issue.
Gabi Greve said…
My followers are missing. When I added the new gadget yesterday, they showed up at the first view, then, when I called the blog up again in a different window, they were gone, only the frame left, no contents.

There should be two followers with avatars.

Gabi Greve said…
It seems the followers shows them all when I use the search function or an archive,
And it shows on individual pages.
not when I use the start page of the whole blog with this HTML

Gabi from Japan
PictureGirl said…
They're B a c k.
PictureGirl said…
My followers are gone again.
I really don't understand and it is very frustrating.

This is never going to get fixed, is it?
Red de Luxe said…
My followers have disappeared from my blog-page. They are still in my dashboard and and when I click the dashboard they are also showing with their pictures. The gadget on the blog remains to be blank (black)

Windows XP
MS Internet Explorer and Opera

Please a solution to this problem.
junkgarden said…
Same problem as everyone else here. Followers not showing up on my blog and not showing up when I click on them in my dashboard. I have around 40 followers. I can't see the followers gadget on other people's blogs now either. Windows XP. IE7. Suddenlink. Help!
Nemesis said…
I can see them - 35 Followers, all present!
PictureGirl said…
I'm still having problems. Followers come and go but now I've noticed that at bottom of page, where it shows downloading of page, when it says "done", it also says "done with error on page" when my followers are not showing.

When I am able to see my followers it just says "done".

The same when I go to other blogs. "Error on page" means I can not see anyones followers.

Is there any way to actually get help from the blogger people?
Longfeather said…
From Greece, missing my followers, the gadget still exists but no pics,same prob in 2 pc one with vista64 other with xp,Problem exists in opera 9.64 and older versions, but all ok with IE8 and firefox. My Blog URL, but same prob in other blogs also yours.It started about 1 month ago, and i have formated the on pc, but problem remains.In dashboard all fine, i can see how many followers and their pics too.
Quilt Works said…
My followers and recent comments disappeared yesterday on two different blogs.

1)Blog Url:
2) The blog shows the title "followers" and a white box appears under it. My background is yellow so I can see the white box where the images should have been.
3) The dashboard shows the correct number of followers, but there is no numbers displayed on the page, just the white box.
3) The blog in question (two of them with the same behavior) are my blogs
4) The dashboard shows the correct number of followes, but if you click on the number nothing is diplayed
5) The list of my blogs are follow is there, and the posts from them are present and up to date
6) I see the same problem with two blogs on the same account on this computer.
7) I see the same problem with internet explore (8.0.6001.18702) and mozilla (3.0.12). I am using Windows XP
8) I checked your blog, and I see "follow me" title and no images, just a white space under it

9) I am located in USA,Massachuttes I use Comcast
10) I have no trouble with comments, comments have been left since the followered disappeared.
11) I am also missing recent comments. They disappeared at the same time as followers.
12) I do not use recent posts gadget
13) I have a recent visitors gadget from BlogCatalog that works ok showing icons.
meaningful life said…
mine is gone too .its been 2 days
searching for answers for a whole days .couldnt find anything. sign!!
google you can not just leave the problem like this,
Hi, I had followers into my blog, some with pictures, some with not, I can't see any flowers, picture or not... Help. I want them back to my blog, and I want their picture back, too, Ili
Anonymous said…
My followers are also gone. Can only see the title and box, no followers and no pictures. I had over 300 and now nothing. My blog is at
Anonymous said…

When i'm on my dashboard it shows the number of followers that i have, but when i click on the green follower icon - nothing comes up but a blank area where they normally are.

Also on my blog, the gadget is working but the little pictures of my followers don't show up.

I already posted to give all the details about my problem with the followers widget.
But today i found out that I can actually see my followers if i use firefox or internet explorer. ( Not if i use SAFARI; I have a Mac )
Just wanted to add this detail! I hope the problem will be sorted soon!
Here is my URL:
Susie Jefferson said…
HI I have several blogs, the url of the main one is:

The same problem is on all of them: the Followers boxes are there, but no pix. On Dashboard, the number of followers is listed, but if I click on these I don't see anything. I clicked on your link and can't see any followers on your blog either. The actual followers obviously haven't been lost or I wouldn't have the number of followers showing - but there are no images, no details.

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the Google toolbar and also cleared all my cookies. My service provider is and I use the latest version of Firefox. I have a PC and use Windows XP Pro.

I hope this gets fixed soon: it's a real pain.
John Chungathil said…
same problem for me too pl help.
readingsully2 said…
Last night part of my followers disagppeared. Their avatars disappeared so I cannot open them. And the ones with avatars....only some of them show on my blog. I have 84 followers. It is the same way on dashboard. HELP
dalesdreams said…
My followers avatars are not showing up on my blog on this computer, and yet they are showing up on another computer.

I've cleared my cookies and cache and this worked the last time this happened, but it is not working now...

does anyone use this blog anymore? lol ;)
alyenasyon said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ben Gage said…
it's happened to me too, what's next?
dalesdreams said…
Hey Ben, just exit out of the internet, clear your cookies, history, cache, reboot the puter and in a few days, they should come back.

That's what happened to me.

Of course, now my recent posts aren't showing up, lol ;)

Good luck to you! :)
Blanca D said…
Tengo problemas no salen mis seguidores
mi blog es
el cuadro sale blanco y no aparece nada
ExitiumMachina said…
Having the same issue on my blog

It shows I have two followers but I can't see them attached to the blog or in the control panel for blogger.
My followers nor facebook box friends are showing up. Blue Iris Photography by LeAnn Lawrence is my business and blog name. Thanks.
What is the URL of the blog with the observed problem?
Is the blog missing the Followers gadget altogether, or does the gadget show there, with no Followers?On Dashboard see 474 FOllowers On the Blog See the word "Followers"
Is the blog in question your blog?YES
If this is your blog, can you look on your dashboard, follow the Followers link for the blog, and see if the dashboard Followers gadget has missing Followers too?YES
* Can you check your Reading List - do you have Followed blogs there, and if so, are the feeds up to date?Yes and Yes
Try setting up, and using, a different Blogger account from this computer. Try using a different computer, with this account. Does the problem continue?
What browser Firefox Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100914 Firefox/3.6.10
and what operating system, do you use? Mac OS X 10.6.4
* Please look at my blog - do you see my Followers?I did earlier today
Where are you located, and what ISP provides your service?MAINE , US, Time Warner Road Runner
* Any other problems with the template, such as the comment form not working? No
* Have you also installed "Recent Comments" or "Recent Posts" gadgets? If so, when?Yes, months and months ago
Fangs, Wands and Fairy Dust
Twitter: @fangswandsfairy
rutuja said…
the blog is having the gadget wit followers, but no number of follwers or their pics. i can check my followers thro dashboard,their pics n links. i can see he blogs m following n they r uptodate.i can see ur followers, n i use win xp... n internet exlporer8.. india. pls help
Hi I just found this link, so I thought I would post my problem here as well.

For me - I am seeing my followers box just fine! But it doesn't show up on my blog for 50% of other people. People are commenting that there is no follow button. Some people can and some people can't.
But I see it all the time. Weird!
emily.mun said… from malaysia..and i face the same problem too..but i just reload my blog for a few times, the pics of the followers appeared agsin.!
Undine said…
I do feel like we are--as one earlier commenter said--"howling at the moon," but let me add my name to this list.

My dashboard still says I have 30 followers, but several weeks ago, the screen on my blog that should display them suddenly went blank. I cannot see the followers on other Blogger sites, either. The function itself must be working somehow, as I have gotten several new followers since this happened, but I have no idea who they might be!

If this is a problem with our individual computers, why can't someone at Blogger at least tell us so, and give us some idea of how to fix it?
Vanessa Stern said…
When I had my blog redesigned my followers gadget disappeared. I tired to restore the gadget, but it appears blank with no avatars. From my dashboard I can see how many followers I have and I can see who they are, I just can't restore the followers widget for my blog. Can you help me??? I'm trying to get more followers and without this widget, it's nearly impossible! Thank you!
Nitecruzr said…

I'm looking at the blog source code, and I don't see a Followers gadget, period. What happens when you add one, using "Page Elements"?

BTW, nice music - but it does not change my advice about auto playing music.
Almost Precious said…
The problem of the missing followers began about 3 days ago. I notice that some blogs that I visit have their followers and others are missing their followers. I happen to be one who is missing my followers. :(

My Blog URL is :

My blog follower gadget shows just the title "followers" and the space under it is blank. No follower icons at all.

This is my blog.

If I go to my dashboard and click the link to followers I'm taken to a blank page that shows no followers, no icons at all.

My reading list shows all the blogs that I am presently following.

My browser is Internet Explorer 7

I do not see any follower icons under your "follow me" gadget

I'm located in Bradenton Florida my cable provider is Brighthouse

I have not made any recent changes to my blog.
Unknown said…
I guess i am also having the same problem just two days ago i can see that i have 32 followers but when i click on it i can just see a blank space pls help this is my blog
Nitecruzr said…

Have you reported this in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken? That's where we need to diagnose this problem.
CIELO said…
I have done everything possible to get my followers widged back, but to no avail...

Ro Bruhn said…
My followers have disappeared from my blog too even though the 'followers gadget' is selected in the gadgets list.
Goosie Girl said…
It's not fixed because my followers are not says following but then is a big empty where for them to click to follow either...
Wylye Girl said…
This problem seems to have been ongoing for years. In the past week I can no longer see my followers or the followers on any other blog. I use Bit Defender (as I did before the problem), Google Chrome (followers not showing with IE8 either) and have tried all the various fixes that the threads have mentioned. It's getting very annoying.

PS Can't see the followers on your blog either
Nitecruzr said…
Right now, you're all seeing the latest intermittent Followers gadget outage.

Blogger Support is aware of this problem, so be patient.
Hopblogger said…
This is making me so frustrated. My followers are here today - gone tomorrow! Sometimes it yo-yo's. However now it has been a full week since I have seen them. When I sign into my blog The dashboard shows me the number of followers that are there but when clicked I cannot see that list. When I go to others blogs I cannot see their followers either and as long as my followers list is gone then I am not able to comment on their blogs either. I still have the follower's gadget but the pictures of my followers are gone.
I sure would appreciate some help on fixing the problem and I would also like to know what causes this to happen in the first place?
My only hope now is that I am able to leave this comment.
My blog address is
Thank you, Conny
Nitecruzr said…

We really should explore this, in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken.
Hopblogger said…
Hello Chuck,
Thank you for talking with me. I am still frustrated with my blog. I only went on there once today and the problem is still there. Quickly I got off - never to return again.....
Will that Blogger help forum - somethings broken get the problem fixed.
Thank you, conny
Kris said…
Same problem, here are the details you've asked for:

1) The site is

2) I have two followers. I can see them on my iPhone (which uses Safari), but I can't click on them.

3) I can't see them at all on my laptop which uses Explorer.

4) The "followers" widget shows up, but there is an empty space below it.

5) In my dashboard, it says two followers, but when I click on it I see nothing.

6) This is a new blog and I've had the problem since I started it and got my first followers. I have not had this problem with other blogspot blogs, which are still active and the followers are fine.

Please help...this is very frustrating as other users have testified. It would also be very nice if there was an easier way to contact Blogspot support. It took a long time for me to even find this link. All of the "help" links only directed me to many, many other users with the same problem and no solutions.
Nitecruzr said…

I'm sorry that you see the forums as a problem, with simply many other users with the same problem and no solutions. I see it as many cases gathered in the same place, helping diagnose the problems en masse.

Help us out, and post your problem report there, OK?

I can't see them on my computer, but I can see on my job's one.
I've also checked screens on different browsers recurring to Browsershots and could see them in some of them.

I believe that this is an incompatibility problem, probably between a certain Flash version and browsers.
Maybe changing to IE9 will solve it, but I don't want to "downgrade" from IE8 to IE9

Nitecruzr said…

If you don't want to permanently downgrade from IE V9 to V8, try the "Compatibility View Settings" option in the IE Tools menu.
Aridh Arimi said…
i have the same problem to0 .. i can't see my followers on my blog n also on the dashboard .. my blog url is
please help me ! i want this to solve as so0n as possible .. tq :)
Mary said…
I don't see your followers! I don't see my own. This is irritating.
My followers have been missing in IE for a couple of months now (though still appearing when I check my blog on Firefox). I don't see followers on other people's blogs (including this one) when I'm viewing them in IE. When I look at the dashboard I see a blank space instead of the icons of my 20 followers. My blog address is

Thanks in advance for any tips!
Unknown said…
Forgot to say Thanks :)

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