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The Girl In Short Shorts

Recently, the political blog "The Girl In Short Shorts" was judged by a number of bloggers to contain objectionable visual content, and was flagged by a substantial number of would be readers. Its readers are now greeted by an interstitial warning, and are forced to click once on a button before being able to view the blog.

Many readers of the blog are now protesting in Blogger Help Forum, in ignorance of the reasons for the interstitial warning. Their actions are similar to those of the readers of The Daily Coyote, last year.

To the owners of the blog:
You need to contact your readers, and advise them to knock it off. You aren't bothering Blogger (this is a weekend) - but you are interfering with other bloggers being helped, because of your Denial Of Service technique (intentional or not). If you don't want your readers to have to click on the interstitial button (once per reader, only), remove the problem pictures.

(Update 7/21): Rick Klau, Blogger Product Manager, has provided an authoritative comment.
We simply responded to the fact that a number of posts there do, in fact, contain nudity. Visitors to the site flagged the blog as containing objectionable content, and as set out in our TOS, blogs that contain nudity may contain an interstitial to let readers know what they will find when they click through.

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repsac3 said…
The sad part is, as per your update, she did get an answer quicker than many of us do... (Potentially, anyway... Given the fact that she abandoned her blogger blog over the warning, there's no indication that she actually stuck around long enough to read it.)

Makes me wonder whether I (& as many of my blogger friends as possible) should raise more of a stink over my non-spam "spam" blog [Immoderate Monk] that's been marked--first by the CAPTCHA & question mark, & now removed/disabled--since late May... (j/k... Tempted as I am, I more or less get the situation... ...and I don't have nearly enough blogger friends to be effective, anyway...)

For the record, I'm following your 3 step plan as laid out here [The Real Blogger Status: Blogs Are Being Removed For Just Cause] -- though

1) so far, no one's responded to any of the three actions I've taken (it's only been 2-3 days, though), and

2) Mishka, another all-star BHF person, called into question whether one should wait 10-14 days after clicking the link for a review before submitting one's blog to the appeals database & posting in BHF "Something's Wrong." (In case you and Mishka want to get on the same page, that conversation took place here, yesterday: My Blog Is Labeled As SPAM, What Do I Do? - Blogger Help)

Anyway, thanks... I'll keep watching for positive results...
Hi Nitecruzr,

Why didn't the silly twit acknowledge that not everyone wishes to look at nude pictures, instead of carrying on like a spoilt brat? So what id there was an "interstitial" put on it - does she think people won't read it if they see that? Those that do will, those that don't won't.


PS I should point out I haven't seen this offending blog and therefore can make no comment as to my opinion of the content. I can however make a comment on the stupidity and selfishness of people who don't like playing by the rules, which is what this blog owner appears to have done.

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