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Custom Domain Publishing, And Google Apps - July, 2009

This week, we have various problem reports, from folks with blogs published to various mature custom domains - custom domains that have been online for some time, not ones just setup. All of these reports involve blogs using server "" in their DNS addresses.

Here's an example - "". 10800 IN A 10800 IN CNAME ( -
Google Inc.

"" is the third of the original Google Apps servers, replaced by the current 4 servers in November 2008. The other 2 servers in the original set of 3 have been offline for many months; and now this server joins the other 2, and is itself permanently offline.

If your custom domain uses "" in its DNS addresses, your blog is probably offline too. And, that's why. You originally had 3 DNS servers providing addresses for your domain, then you had but 2, and later, only 1. This week, you have 0.

Update your DNS addresses to a righteous configuration. Or, tell your readers that you're offline.

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Deb said…
Thank you so much! I've been searching for the answer to this issue tonight. I wasn't aware that I had wrongly configured my blog. It worked so I assumed the configuration was correct. Silly me.

Thank you again. :)

DeeJayVrs said…
Whats up? i just purchased the domain name on blogger and i'm getting this message "Your blog is in transition"

is this just the normal wait time or is there further steps i need to take?
Nitecruzr said…

The Transition Period gives the DNS servers on the Internet time to cache an entry for each new custom domain. It lasts almost exactly 72 hours. Post in GBF: Something Is Broken, after the transition period expires, if there is a problem.

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