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With Anonymity, You May Not Get Easy Recovery

We see the potential for self induced stress, in Blogger Help Forum: Get Help with an Issue, every week.
How do I publish a blog, without identifying myself?
Then later
I forgot my account name / password, and I am not getting any email from "Forgot?"!
These are two hypothetical problem reports, that are all too real, for many blog owners.

Access to a real email address is an essential element, in recovering account and blog ownership.

You are allowed to publish a blog anonymously - with support from Blogger.

You are permitted to setup a Blogger account - and to publish a Blogger blog - without being contacted by Blogger or Google. If you remember the account name and password, you can maintain and publish a blog indefinitely, without unwanted privacy violation.

When you setup your Blogger account, you can use any available account name. Similarly, you can use any acceptable email address - neither real or not, nor owned by you, being a requirement.

You need to login, using your Blogger account, to maintain or publish your blog.

You will need to login, as the blog owner, if you wish to maintain and publish a blog, however. And if the account and / or blog are deleted or locked, because of (bogus) abuse classification, or hacking detection, you will need to login as the blog owner, to recover the account and / or blog.

Account / blog recovery, for truly anonymous owners, will be limited.

Blogger provides very limited account and blog recovery options. You may not be able to recover control of the blog - if you cannot access the blog because you forget the account name / password, and used a bogus email address when registering. Also, you may not be able to request review - if the account or blog is deleted or locked, because of bogus abuse classification, or hacking detection.

Blogger cannot accept your word, that you are the blog owner - nor can they use an ad hoc authentication technique, such as your passport photo, which may match the photo on the blog itself.

The choices are yours, to make - and the consequences will be yours, also.


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