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The Blogger Followers Gadget Is Broken

Blog owners ask about Followers activity, in Blogger Help Forum: Get Help with an Issue.
I can't Follow my Followers!
They appear to be referring to the Followers gadget, which is currently useless for surfing.

We observed this problem, almost 6 months ago - and it's been reported to Blogger Support, several times.

What is interesting is that Followers itself is working just fine - unfortunately, not so many blogs will have a custom Followers gadget.

The standard "Follow Me" gadget. in the sidebar, is broken.

There's the gadget, on my blog.

This is what I get, when I click on any icon, in the Followers cloud - or the popout window icon, in the upper right corner.

Look at the custom Followers gadget, in this blog - which does work!

I have a custom, full page "Followers" gadget, in this blog - and it continues to work.

That's the custom Followers gadget, on my static page.

I can click on any Follower, in my custom gadget Follower cloud.

And there's the details for that Follower - and opportunity for surfing, from the Follower selected.

And I close the Follower popup window, and I'm back in my custom Follower gadget display.

Not so, with the gadget in the sidebar.

I click on the popout window icon - and get the Followers cloud, opened inside the IFrame. How do I surf, with this?

So, Following itself works OK - it's just the standard sidebar sized gadget, that is broken.


So Awesome and of utility
Can it be requested a Code to Copy and Paste in the Blog Static Page, Please, with changables of Blog Id and Blog Url etc?
(Copied and pasted the code visible at an another page here, but couldn't get it)
With All Regards
Ms. A said…
Mine works.
Daisy Deadhead said…
I took the gadget off, but it works fine on my dash so I still follow everybody okay... here I am, after all! :) But it would be nice to have the gadget work.

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