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Published Comments Link To Profiles - Not To Blogs

Blog owners periodically ask about publicising their blogs, in Blogger Help Forum: Get Help with an Issue.
Why do my comments point to my profile - and not directly to my blog?
This blog owner just wants to drive traffic straight to the blog.

Linking comments directly to blogs is so limiting.

Very few blog owners limit themselves to a single blog.
Very few blog owners are nothing but a single blog. To encourage linking to one blog would encourage restricting ones personality to that one blog - and makes one so much less interesting.

The purpose of comments, and social networking, is to connect people - not just blogs. Very few blog owners have just one interest - and many have multiple blogs.

Some blogs allow "Name / URL" "authentication".
If the blog permits anonymous comments, you may be able to use the "Name / URL" option, and include a link to your blog. But I suggest that a well designed profile provides more information about you, as a person - and will make a profile link, to your one blog, even more interesting.

Both Blogger and Google+ profiles provide details about you.
If you're using the default Blogger profile, a well written Introduction will provide good basic information. "Interests", plus any of the "Favorite" sections, will provide more. And, under "Privacy", you'll find "Show my blogs", where you can select your one blog (or others) to be listed. And "Show sites I follow" gives you even more opportunity to identify yourself.

If you're using a Google+ profile, you'll have even more opportunity to show who you are. A Google+ profile provides almost as much static details as the Blogger profile - plus the stream sharing gives you a multitude of opportunities to "meet" people who you know nothing about, initially. The "friend of a friend" connections established through Google+ are unbelievably complex.

Whether you use a Blogger or Google+ profile, the possibilities for linking either offers far more opportunity for community exposure than linking to a single blog.


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