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Publish Back To BlogSpot, Before The Domain Expires

Occasionally, we see the question
My domain is expiring soon. Will the blog be visible, after the domain expires?
And this answer is not so obvious. If the blog remains "published" to the domain, the blog will redirect to a dead domain. Your readers may see a screen full of ads - or they may see
Site not found.
What they see will depend upon ISP / registrar policy.

Whenever you change a custom domain, you should always publish back to BlogSpot before you make the change.
  1. Get the DNS addresses right.
  2. Publish back to BlogSpot.
  3. Make the change.
  4. Publish to the domain.
  5. Avoid the HTTPS redirect option, if you have a problem and need assistance.

If you are simply letting the domain expire, the procedure is simpler. But you still have Steps #1 and #2.
  1. Get the DNS addresses right.
  2. Publish back to BlogSpot.

Get the DNS addresses right.

Any time you change a custom domain, the change will go smoother, with righteous DNS addresses.

If you have an expiring domain, that you don't intend to renew, you need to do this before the domain registration expires, and the domain is parked by the registrar. When the domain is parked, your righteous DNS addresses are gone.

Publish back to BlogSpot.

Just click on the "X".

When you publish back to BlogSpot, make sure that you have righteous DNS addresses. Please.

Avoid the HTTPS redirect option, if you have a problem and need assistance.

If you have a custom domain published blog, you won't be able to use HTTPS redirect. If you enable "HTTPS redirect" after publishing back to BlogSpot, and you have a problem, you'll need to disable the redirect, for some online diagnostic tools to work with your blog.

Plan ahead.

Don't let the domain expire, with the blog published to the domain. Please - show your readers some respect.

This domain does not exist. My browser, and my ISP, tell me so.

Don't leave your readers looking at this - or a screen full of ads. Plan ahead, and provide warning.

This domain does exist - and somebody has a sense of honour - and of humour.

Prevent another episode of
Another blog or Google Site is already using this address
Key already exists for domain
The sanity that you save may be your own.


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