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A Custom Domain Published Blog Is Bound By TOS

Some blog owners like Blogger One Button Publishing - but they don't like the restrictions.

Possibly observing the chaotic freedom of WordPress self hosted blogs, they wonder if custom domain publishing provides the same freedom.
If I pay for my domain, can I host porn with ads?

Unfortunately, custom domain publishing, unlike WordPress self hosted blogs, still uses the Blogger dashboard - and still publishes content which is accessible using "".

A Blogger blog, published to a custom domain, is still hosted by Blogger - and has a "" URL.

All blogs, which have BlogSpot URLs, are subject to Blogger / Google standards.

All "" URLs - published natively, or to a custom domain - are subject to Blogger / Google laws and restrictions.

All laws apply to all blogs.

Any Blogger blog, with undesirable content, can be classified as abusive.

A Blogger blog, published with undesirable content, will be subject to content penalties.

Whether published to BlogSpot, or non BlogSpot URL, Blogger has very real penalties. And both AdSense and Google Search may apply penalties separate from - and harsher than - Blogger.

Custom domain publishing is not "" self hosted content.

So no, with even a custom domain published blog, you are subject to Blogger / Google imposed laws. You simply cannot publish what you like, and ignore the penalties.


^.^ said…
Thanks 4 keeping Blogger clean. Love, cat.
I have a blogger blog published to a custom domain. If my domain expires, will my blog still be viewable via the blogspot url?

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