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Blogger Magic - An Adult Blog Within A Blog

From time to time, we've had various queries about content segregation, in Blogger Help Forum: Learn More About Blogger
How do I publish adult content, in a section of my blog?
Previously, the best answer would typically start with a blog cluster.
Publish a second blog, with different content - then merge the two blogs.
That's an interesting answer - but it's messy - and two blogs don't aggregate search engine traffic properly.

Using a combination of custom redirects, label searches, and static pages, you can make a blog within a blog, to host your mildly adult content.

You can use the blog within a blog concept, to host any controversial content, as a section of a Blogger blog.
  1. A blog within a blog.
  2. A custom, redirected Home page.
  3. A static page hosting the Content Warning.
  4. A link to the static page.

A blog within a blog.

Any content, that you judge to be controversial, you can publish using the "SecretStuff" label (or anything innocuous, if you wish). Then, make sure that no Label index gadgets reference your "SecretStuff" label.

A custom, redirected Home page.

Publish everything that you want to appear on the main page (whatever is not SecretStuff), using the "Home" label. Make sure that any Label index gadgets are updated to reference "Home", as you wish.

Then, add a custom redirect.
From: / To: /search/label/Home
A static page hosting the Content Warning.

Create a static page, "Secret Stuff", containing a warning.
The content that you are about to view may not be suited for everybody here. Do you want to see it?
Then, add two buttons, to the page. Maybe arrange the buttons, using nested tables.
  • "No thanks, I'll pass!!", linking to "/search/label/Home".
  • "OK, let's see what you got!", linking to "/search/label/SecretStuff".
And Publish your page.

A link to the new static page.

Use "Configure Page List", and in "Pages to show", select "Secret Stuff". Or add a link, anywhere in the blog, to "/p/Secret Stuff".

That's it.

Did you think it would be really difficult? Just do one piece, at a time.

Just use this for slightly controversial content - you won't be protected by the Blogger / Google "Adult Content?" warning, after you de select the dashboard setting. You could try this with porn - but the blog may end up, firmly behind a Blogger Content Warning.

Now, all of the content is in the one blog, and can be indexed by the search engines properly. Just manage the "Home" and "SecretStuff" labels, actively - as you work on your blog.


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