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Mail-to-Blogger Has Limited Composing Options

Blog owners have been asking, for years, how to use labels, with Mail-to-Blogger.

Mail-to-Blogger uses an email editor, for composing a post - and is going to lack features that are not provided by the email editor. Labels are one example of what you don't get, when you use email to publish a post to your blog.

When you publish posts Using Mail-to-Blogger, you don't use Post Editor - and you bypass the many formatting features provided by post editor.

Mail-to-Blogger lacks various features, which are an accepted part of Blogger blogs, when composed in post editor.
  • Back dated or scheduled posts.
  • Custom permalink.
  • Fonts and similar formatting options.
  • HTML input.
  • Labels.
  • Search description.
  • Sharing to social media.

Back dated or scheduled posts.
With Mail-to-Blogger, posts will publish using the time published (or remain as draft). If you wish, you can back date posts later, using post editor - but scheduled posts have to be scheduled, using post editor.

Mail-to-Blogger won't provide the date setting wizard, used to set scheduled date / time.

Custom permalink.
With Mail-to-Blogger, posts will publish using the URL created from the title. You can rename a post, and you can change the URL, using post editor, when convenient.

Fonts and similar formatting options.
At best, you will be limited by the editor in the email client, for formatting. You can edit a post, using post editor, when convenient.

HTML input.

Mail-to-Blogger only uses text. HTML tags may or may not be properly processed as HTML.

Labels can't be added using email - they can only be added, when convenient, using post editor.

Search description.
The Search Description can't be added, using email. It can only be added later, when convenient.

Sharing to social media.
Posts can be shared, anytime after they are published. If Mail-to-Blogger publishes immediately, posts can be shared using any share buttons. Lack of access to post editor, and to the Posts menu, should not be a major inconvenience.

You can use Post Editor to add features, before or after publishing.
If you want to post by email, you may have to use post editor and the browser later, to make some posts complete and presentable. Otherwise, your posts will use the default Mail-to-Blogger formatting - or possibly, formatting created by the email client editor.

This is a common concern, both when using Mail-to-Blogger for anonymous posting - and for moderated posting. You may have to do some editing - before or after the posts are published.

You have, basically, 3 options.
  • Publish using post editor.
  • Publish using email, then add features / complete posts using post editor.
  • Publish using email, and do without some features.
Each choice gives you varying ability to format posts - and each choice gives you varying convenience.

You can use multiple Mail-to-Blogger email addresses.
If you would find it better to publish some posts immediately - and other posts later, after you use post editor - you could setup your administrator account with Mail-to-Blogger, and select to publish incoming posts immediately.

You could also setup an author account - and select to save incoming posts as draft. Having a choice of two (or more) Mail-to-Blogger addresses to use when composing by email, you could use one address to add features, after publishing - and use another to add features, before publishing.

Using GMail, or any similar email client, you could have multiple address book entries to send posts by Mail-to-Blogger - and simply select the appropriate address book entry, when composing the email message / new post.

However you use it, Mail-to-Blogger is a more complete feature than, and MMS / SMS.


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