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Is A Blogger Blog Free?

An occasional question, seen occasionally in Blogger Help Forum: Learn More About Blogger, is about cost.
Is Blogger free? Too many Internet services are free for the first month, then charge you once you are hooked.
The answer here is (should be) good news.
Blogger blogs are free - for eternity - as long as you follow the rules.
But please, do follow the rules, for best results.

There are two options which may interest blog owners, after they have been publishing a Blogger blog, for a significant amount of time.
  • A BlogSpot URL is free - a non BlogSpot URL will require minor payment.
  • A blog with significant amounts of photos may be limited by Google Photo storage limits. This, too, will require a payment.

Other than those two expenses, if you use common sense and courtesy, your Blogger blog will be free - and remain yours - for eternity. As long as you play by the rules, and help Blogger to help you, your blog should remain yours.

Blogger / Google has little to no patience for spam and other abusive behaviour. If your purpose for setting up a Blogger blog is to publish spam, you should start elsewhere.

Once your blog is detected as a spam host, it will be deleted - and you will not have access to the contents unless it is reviewed and restored to service. Complementary rules apply for other abusive behaviour.

You will have access to your blog - as long as you carefully maintain access needs. To protect your account and blogs from people who are not you, Blogger expects that you will diligently remember your account name and password, and / or carefully maintain a registered email account and / or mobile / voice communication (aka "telephone").

If you forget your account name or password, you will need an email address or telephone number, provided when you setup your Blogger / Google account. It is actually best if you maintain all 4 details, to back the others up - and update any, whenever necessary.

For extra reliability - especially if you travel outside your local neighbourhood, you may wish to setup Google 2-Step Verification, another free service.

If you can handle the above issues, you are free to pick any available URL for your new blog - then get to work, and publish content. And publicise your blog, politely.


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