Blogger blog owners, like everybody else, like to save money.
Some blog owners prefer to save money when registering a custom domain, for their blogs. We've seen several free domain registration services, providing what is claimed to be a two level Top Level Domain "co.xx" (where "xx" == various country codes).
The latest in this ongoing story appears to be "" - and 13 other "top level domains".
Today, we have a problem report from a blog owner, who can't use her "UNONIC" provided free "domain", to publish her Blogger blog.
Like its predecessor "" long ago, and like "" earlier this year, "" appears to be another case of devious spammer ingenuity. The "registrar" for "" is actually the owner of the domain "", which is registered by "" in Potsdam, Germany.
Blog owners who register their blogs using "UNONIC" are actually publishing as a subdomain / virtual host to "". Their publishing efforts help to provide traffic to "", and to the undesirable content hosted there.
The provider of "", possibly Marus Strasser of Nea Michaniona, Greece, like previous scam artists, is cashing in on the naivete that many Internet users have, in thinking that some registrars, for countries that use a 2 level Top Level Domain, will register domains for free.

Your own website - for free!

A domain from UNONIC.COM is absolutely free - except you don't get a domain!

You can setup as many addresses as you like - they won't be domains, however!
There are a number of known "co." 2 level Top Level Domains - such as "" (India), "" (New Zealand), and "" (United Kingdom). Each of these TLDs can provide a domain, when registered by a legitimate registrar. None of these registrars will provide a free service, for their product that requires their resources.
There are no known ".tf" 2 level Top Level Domains.

101 Domains charges the princely sum of $58.80 USD, for a one year registration of a genuine ".tf" domain.
Once again:
Alternatively, as various sages have historically suggested,
A UNONIC "domain" is worth exactly what you pay.
Some blog owners prefer to save money when registering a custom domain, for their blogs. We've seen several free domain registration services, providing what is claimed to be a two level Top Level Domain "co.xx" (where "xx" == various country codes).
The latest in this ongoing story appears to be "" - and 13 other "top level domains".
There is also an additional free service offering third-level .tf domains, under the name United Names Organisation. They occupy 14 second-level domains, including,,, and They are run by the same company as, and are given away as URL redirections.
Today, we have a problem report from a blog owner, who can't use her "UNONIC" provided free "domain", to publish her Blogger blog.
Like its predecessor "" long ago, and like "" earlier this year, "" appears to be another case of devious spammer ingenuity. The "registrar" for "" is actually the owner of the domain "", which is registered by "" in Potsdam, Germany.
Blog owners who register their blogs using "UNONIC" are actually publishing as a subdomain / virtual host to "". Their publishing efforts help to provide traffic to "", and to the undesirable content hosted there.
You can get free, redirection from Many people will not find it good.
The provider of "", possibly Marus Strasser of Nea Michaniona, Greece, like previous scam artists, is cashing in on the naivete that many Internet users have, in thinking that some registrars, for countries that use a 2 level Top Level Domain, will register domains for free.
How many Domains can I set up?This sounds like such a great deal - except what you "register" is not a domain - it's a virtual host, in the "" domain. And all of the search reputation, from your hard work, goes to the owner of "".You can set up as many addresses as you like. The number of domains for each owner of a homepage is not limited.

Your own website - for free!

A domain from UNONIC.COM is absolutely free - except you don't get a domain!

You can setup as many addresses as you like - they won't be domains, however!
There are a number of known "co." 2 level Top Level Domains - such as "" (India), "" (New Zealand), and "" (United Kingdom). Each of these TLDs can provide a domain, when registered by a legitimate registrar. None of these registrars will provide a free service, for their product that requires their resources.
There are no known ".tf" 2 level Top Level Domains.
.tf is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the French Southern and Antarctic Lands.

101 Domains charges the princely sum of $58.80 USD, for a one year registration of a genuine ".tf" domain.
Once again:
You don't get something for nothing.
Alternatively, as various sages have historically suggested,
There's a sucker born every minute
A UNONIC "domain" is worth exactly what you pay.