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Communicating With Your Followers

Some blog owners enjoy the Blogger community building tool of Following a lot, and some decide that it would be good to email their Followers when they produce new posts - or maybe, just to chat.
How do I subscribe my Followers, so they get new post notices?
How can I email my Follower, if I can't use the "Send a message" link?
Some of these ideas may conflict with a basic feature of Following.

Following lets people read a blog using newsfeed subscriptions, and does not require email addresses, to subscribe. The latter detail is relevant because many blog readers may not want to provide their email address, casually.

Even if someone does provide an email address in their Following account profile, that doesn't guarantee that it's an active, or even a working, address. If you use "Send a message", your message may, or may not, be read.

If your blog content is likely to attract readers who don't use newsfeed readers, you can setup a FeedBurner email subscription service, for your blogs readers. But that will be an optional subscription, open to all readers.

For selected readers (if you know their email addresses), you may be able to invite them using the FeedBurner Email Subscription "Preview Subscription Link" option (do this with extreme discretion) - but they will have to accept the invitation. Your blog email feed won't simply start hitting their Inbox, without any action on their part.

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