If you are going to use Following effectively, you have to manage the blogs that you Follow, as well as managing the people who Follow your blogs.
Managing the blogs that you Follow should be fairly simple - just click on the blue "Manage" button at the bottom of the dashboard. Some blog owners won't be able to do this, though - and for an apparently irrelevant reason. Following profiles that are associated with non shared Blogger profiles can't be managed using the "Manage" button.
What now? Why can't I Manage my Followed blogs?
Another problem that may result from a non shared Blogger profile would be a Follower icon with no profile link, or a link leading to the above display - if, of course, you are Following a given blog using your Blogger profile. You can show the contents of your Blogger profile, a list of your own blogs, and a list of your Followed blogs - and still not allow access to your Blogger profile - if you de select the option to "Share my profile", in the "Edit User Profile" wizard.
If you click on "Manage" and see an error message about an unavailable profile, you have two options.
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Managing the blogs that you Follow should be fairly simple - just click on the blue "Manage" button at the bottom of the dashboard. Some blog owners won't be able to do this, though - and for an apparently irrelevant reason. Following profiles that are associated with non shared Blogger profiles can't be managed using the "Manage" button.
Another problem that may result from a non shared Blogger profile would be a Follower icon with no profile link, or a link leading to the above display - if, of course, you are Following a given blog using your Blogger profile. You can show the contents of your Blogger profile, a list of your own blogs, and a list of your Followed blogs - and still not allow access to your Blogger profile - if you de select the option to "Share my profile", in the "Edit User Profile" wizard.
If you click on "Manage" and see an error message about an unavailable profile, you have two options.
- Edit your profile, and select "Share my profile" - at least temporarily.
- Access "Site settings" from the Followers gadget, in any blog that you own.
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