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Bloggers Seeing Their Icon Displayed As A Shadow, On Followed Blogs

A few bloggers this week are reporting Following some blogs, and seeing the icon representing them, in the Following gadget, displaying as a shadow, with no name popup. Clicking on the icon, they see no profile name, though they do see a list of Followed blogs.

Previously Followed blogs do not seem to be affected - icons and profiles display normally.

We have a rollup discussion, in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, where this problem is being explored.

If you are observing this problem with your Following profile, please provide some details, as best as you are able - and help diagnose the problem.
  1. When you sign in to Following, which button / link do you use?
    • Google
    • Twitter
    • Yahoo
    • AIM
    • Netlog
    • OpenID
  2. If you are using a Blogger or Google account for Following, is the account based on a GMail address, or a non GMail address?
  3. Are you logged in to Blogger (separately from the Follower login!) using a GMail or non GMail based Google account, when you Follow and observe the problem?
  4. Do you publish a Blogger blog of your own? If so, do you Follow your own blog, and what is the BlogSpot URL?
  5. Are you sharing your Blogger profile?
  6. What is your geographical location (city, province / state, country), and what Internet Service Provider do you use?
  7. Please Follow my test blog, and observe - and report - the result. Continue to Follow, as Blogger Support diagnoses the problem.

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Nelly said…
This happened to me the other day I finnaly was able to get it working again tho took a few hours.

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