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The Technical Sophistication Of Your Blogs Readers

Almost daily, we see a problem report in Blogger Help Forum: Something Is Broken, where someone publishes a blog that has readers with a problem
My readers can't leave me comments!
and when I diagnose the problem
The blog uses an inline ("Embedded below post") comment form, with CAPTCHA ("word puzzle") verification. Your readers need to check their cookie and script filters, starting with "third party cookies".
the response will frequently be
No way! My readers can't handle that!

Blogger offers three comment form options, each with their good points, and their bad points.

  • Full page
  • Pop-up window
  • Embedded below post

This setting is available under Settings - "Posts, comments and sharing" - "Comment Location".

With the coming of the Google "One account" login, all login cookies created under "", and accessed from a Blogger blog, are now vulnerable to "third party" cookie filters.

If your blogs readers are limited in their potential to deal with layered security issues, you'll want to consider the security requirements of the three options, in choosing how to have your readers publish their comments.

Many years ago, Windows level security ("Allow everything by default, block only when necessary") was normal in our browsers, and on our computers. As Internet based security risks increased, security accessories and settings using Unix level security ("Block everything by default, allow only when necessary") became more normal.

Comment forms in a full page are the easiest to allow, in general. Full page forms use a script that runs, in the browser, as "" - which used to be the same domain as the cookies were generated. This does not, any more, eliminate the need for "third party cookies", and for any security settings that would allow scripts, from BlogSpot or from your domain, to run in your readers browser. This is the best choice, all around.

Comment forms in a pop-up window may be blocked by various ad or script blockers. Pop-up windows use a script that runs, in the browser, as "" - which used to make them a good alternate choice for blogs published to BlogSpot. If your readers either

  • do not use ad or script blockers
  • can handle modifying the pop-up filter setting, to allow ""

this will be a good choice, if you don't like the full page form.

Comment forms embedded below post use a script that runs, in the browser, as either "" (for blogs published to BlogSpot), or as your domain (for blogs published to a custom domain). Since the settings are, again, selected in "", this creates the need for "third party cookies" to be allowed - as well as scripts from "" or your domain.

I do not recommend allowing scripts from "". If your blog is published to BlogSpot, or if your readers have any problems with managing their layered security settings, I recommend that you avoid this choice.

Please note that third party cookies may still be necessary on many readers computers, for those readers that want to use the "Remember me" option when they login, for their preferred use of Stats, or for Template Designer.


I started my blog the last of October 2010, and was unable to comment on blogs with embedded comment boxes, couldn't use the stats, and couldn't use the template designer. On Jan 1, 2011, I noticed all of these things had changed, and I had made no changes at all anywhere. It has been great since then being able to post on all blogs, view the stats on my blog, and go to template designer, (which I didn't use). Well all that changed today. I go to my blog and notice everything is of no use to me again, and I made no changes anywhere. What is going on and what can I do to be able to post and see the stats again? Why did it all change, then change again?
Oh by the way, I can't use blogger for help because they have an embedded box which I can't use! Ugh, what can I do?
Suzanne said…
I'm convinced about the full comments page so I'm giving it a go. Changed browser to allow all cookies but I'll adjust that with full page comments & see what happens. THANK YOU for your help!
The Hat Company said…
Just started my blog. Everyone I invited can't leave a comment. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. Help!
Suzanne said…
So I went to the Design section & then: Settings>Comments & under Comments Form Placement I selected Full Page. I also selected Anyone under the Who Can Comment section. It works like a dream. No problems since I changed those settings, the main one being FULL PAGE.
Barbara said…
I can go to Settings>Comments, but there is no option for Comment Form Placement--at no place can I find anything about popup, full page, or embedded. Help?
Dawn said…
I have done all that you requested I do, I can only pray that it will allow comments to be left by all who desire to do so! I thank you for your time in this matter!
TFitz said…
cookie test
Linda Leyble said…
Hi - I have been having problems leaving comments on some blogs - wanted to know if it's the blog's problem or mine.
This is a cookie test comment. Thanks.
MaryAnne Kolton said…
Chuck, okay it appears I am able to comment on your blog.
The ReFind Home said…
I never saw any options for having a full page blog comment, but I'll try to find it.
Needham said…
cookie test
Needham said…
cookie test
boyd2 said…
I have been having problems with comments for the entire duration of my blog

I assumed I'd just have to live with the fact that most of my readers can't comment. But after reading this post, I've changed to full page and am hopeful that the problem will be fixed! Thanks!
Unknown said…
This is a cookie test comment
Lorraine said…
cookie test
Church Hopper said…
Attempting to comment
Nitecruzr said…

I think you succeeded?
Purvi said…
I am not able to leave comments on participats' blog post. Here, attempting to comment

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