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Forms Entry In Blogger

Occasionally in Blogger Help Forum, we see questions about using a Blogger blog for forms entry.
How do I let my readers submit information, like their email addresses?
Forms entry, which is found in some content management systems, is yet one more feature that isn't offered, with Blogger blogs.

Forms entry is more than what you see on a web site. What you see - a box where you type information - feeds what you don't see - a back end database, and GUI wizards to extract and manipulate the information entered.

A useful example of a forms entry accessory would be the FeedBurner email subscription gadget. What your readers see is simply a box, where they enter an email address, to subscribe to an email based feed from a blog or web site. What you, the blog owner see, is a bit more complex.

Blogger isn't a content management system, and doesn't provide any form based data entry. If you want to do data collection in your blog, you can set up a separate data entry form in a third party web site. Then, you add a front end form to your blog, maybe using an iframe, or linked to the form web site.

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