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Email Isn't Necessary, In Following

When you publish a blog, you want to make it easy for your readers to keep up with your publishings. Some bloggers are confused about why people Follow their blog, and think that their Followers need the same treatment as their readers in general. We see an occasional query in Blogger Help Forum
How do I email my Followers, to let them see my latest post?

People who Follow your blog get a subscription to the blog feed, added to their Following Reading List, and to their Google Reader. Newsfeeds were originally designed to avoid use of email for keeping up with a blog or web site of interest. One of the benefits of Following is the ability to avoid use of email, while monitoring multiple blogs and / or web sites.

Your Followers, if they so chose, may subscribe to the blog by email using a FeedBurner email gadget. Or they may provide you their email addresses, directly, and let you maintain a Google Group fed by BlogSend. But these won't make them Followers, they are just readers who have their picture on your blog.

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Jeri said…
Nitecruzr you are awesome. Everytime I check for help there are all your posts. And it's always been helpful. Thank you and God bless.

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