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You Can Have A Custom Domain Without Using The "Buy A Domain" Wizard

Based upon my observations of questions posted in the Blogger Help Forums, maybe 95% of the folks publishing their Blogger blogs to a non BlogSpot URL, as a the Google Custom Domain, use the Blogger "Buy A Domain For Your Blog" wizard. Why not? It's quick, easy, and linear.

Once you choose an available domain, all that you have to do is input payment details ($10 USD for a year). The real work, of setting up the domain in the registrar's DNS servers, is all done for you, by the wizard. Take 10 minutes - and I am conservative here - and you can have a non BlogSpot URL that your readers can use, to view your blog.

But there are times when the "Buy A Domain" wizard won't suffice. Maybe you need a domain in a Top Level Domain group, that's not provided by the wizard. Or maybe you don't like eNom and GoDaddy as registrars - or you already have a registrar for other purposes, and you want to continue to use that registrar. No problem, you can register your domain with any registrar that will provide the right DNS address entries.

But, you will have to do the work yourself, when you setup the DNS addresses, and later when you publish your blog to the domain, using the "Advanced Settings" wizard.

Like all third party products, a third party DNS host / registrar may not offer the same redirect options, and may present a challenge. Please, don't register your domain at Domains-R-Cheap, then post in Blogger Help Forum
I bought my domain from Domains-R-Cheap, and it doesn't work. And I've read all of the instructions here, and they are full of jargon. Somebody please, give me a check list of what I need to do!

If you get a check list, it will probably be very brief.
  1. Transfer your domain to GoDaddy.
  2. Post back here, after step #1 is complete.

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