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Blogger Profile Surfing - A Focused Replacement For "Next Blog"

Besides surfing blogs using Following, which will let you identify other bloggers with possibly common interests (hoping that anybody who Follows your blog would be somewhat interested in what also interests you), we have the possibility of surfing blogger profiles using profile keywords.

When you edit your Blogger profile, you can specify keywords which correspond to specific things that interest you. Having done that, those keywords become links, to profiles of other bloggers who have specified those same keywords. Be sure to check the spelling - you'll be able to test it immediately.

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Anonymous saidā€¦
So, it's working, again?
Nitecruzr saidā€¦
Another change made In Silence.
plainolebob saidā€¦
chuck you are too cool
Vincent saidā€¦
In fact you can search for blogger profile keywords without actually putting the keywords in your own profile.

If for example you wish to search for bloggers with "memories" as a keyword in "interests", put this into your browser:

(where i stands for interests)

to find bloggers whose favourite books include those by John Cowper Powys, put this in browser:

(where b stands for books)

Other parameters:
s = music
j = industry
m = movies
o = occupation

It would be so useful if multiple keyword parameters could be entered in a single search string.

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