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The Value Of Your Blog Is Based Upon The Content

The content of your blog encourages people to read your blog.

More people reading your blog gives the blog more value. What you publish today will be in your blog tomorrow - and if what you publish today has value, it will have more value tomorrow.

What you publish today, and will be read today, will make your blog more valuable than what you publish tomorrow. Publish today, revise tomorrow - that's progressive publishing.

If you have an idea for a blog, that truly has merit, you need to start your blog today.

Concentrate on getting traffic to the blog, from content, that is properly indexed by the search engines.

  • Use an available URL.
  • Don't depend upon a domain name, to make your blog unique.
  • Use a standard Blogger template, when you start.
  • Write about what you know, so you can share what you know.
  • Publicise your new blog.
  • Don't obsess over non existent traffic, and lack of 100% precision in statistics.
  • Don't waste time with dodgy schemes, to get traffic.
  • Keep publishing your blog, and stay ahead of the spam.
  • Add search descriptions, to attract more readers.

Use an available URL.

If you wait until the perfect URL becomes available, you will lose time developing a meaningful blog - and the readers that you might have gotten will find another blog to read. And the URL that you may settle for, today, may become unavailable, tomorrow.

Choose a URL that is available, now - and get started, today.

Don't depend upon a domain name, to make your blog unique.

Truly unique domain names will be available - for subjects that interest nobody. Any subject that interests people will always have competition.

People will read unique and well written content, more happily than they will read drivel.

Use a standard Blogger template, when you start.

Too many blog owners spend time finding the perfect template for their new blog - and try to use a third party template that does not work.

Not all third party templates - even those sold as "Blogger compatible" - will work with the Blogger Theme Editor or Theme Designer.

For best results, start with a standard and supported Blogger theme, installed using the dashboard Theme page.

Write about what you know, so you can share what you know.

Blogs are personal websites. Your best source of content, and traffic, is what is you know - and what impassions you.

Write about what you know well - that's where you get quality content.

Publicise your new blog.

Spend time letting the search engines know that your blog exists. They won't index what they can't see.

Don't obsess over non existent traffic, and lack of 100% precision in statistics.

Referer spam affects every blog that has content and traffic. It does not represent people reading your blog, unfortunately.

Referer spam or no, no visitor meter will be 100% accurate.

Don't waste time with dodgy schemes, to get traffic.

Neither incantations and spells, or dodgy schemes, will get traffic, that will help your blog - in the long run.

Keep publishing your blog, and stay ahead of the spam.

Spam will be with us, forever. Spend more time publishing original content.

Add search descriptions, to attract more readers.

Search descriptions tell people, who see your blog listed in Search Engine Result Pages, what your blog is about. A well written search description is a key part of a well designed blog.

Start your blog - if you have an idea for a subject - today.

Get started today, and do more tomorrow - using a URL that's available today. And check out the Blogger Help documents Blogger Getting Started Guide and Help people find your blog on search engines, for more ideas.


Anony said…
Your voice is what keeps people reading and visiting, whether writing a post, submitting a comment, or participating in a forum. This is a basic, fundamental truth that bloggers ignore at their peril. "Be the change you want to see in the world." - Gandhi

And newbies (like me!) might also do well to consider that it takes a while, and patience, to establish that trust among readers. Build it and they will come.
evert jan steen said…
the new tools are awesome; @ 74, I have individuals connect with me after 53 years.
Time flies, especially at my age. I do what I can; I comprehend some, much is over my head (forever a newbie). The Google Blog is a new beginning; there's still remnants of my old Wordpress showing on Google.
I had a TOO long struggle maintaining my adjusted W.Blog. It's still up, but I can't access it. It's nuts: After deleting (court related) my old URL, I had: W.Staff could not let me in; too weird; now I'm here; I'm happy; time's all we got!
Carol W. said…
I agree. I was on Wordpress for a few years but I switched to blogger because the tools are easier to use and I don't feel like I have to be a programmer to use their pluggins and wigits.

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