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Removing A Deleted Blog From Search Engine Cache

I've advised bloggers a few times that your blog is forever. This is generally, but not always, good news. One case, when it's not good news, is when the contents say something about us that we don't want to be publicly known. Sometimes, we panic, and make the wrong decision about how to resolve our problem.
I had to get rid of my blog, because of my employer, so I deleted it. But when I Google for my name, the first thing that pops up is my blog, and my profile.

Deleting your blog, as I've written before, needs to be done with care and forethought. If your blog is cached, the cache has to be managed properly, before the actual blog contents can be removed from the blog host (ie, Blogger).

You can manage your blog's cache, in the Google search engine, using Google Webmaster Tools. If you just deleted your blog, this won't be possible. You're going to have to re publish your blog, add it to Google Webmaster Tools, then use the Google Webmaster Tools "Remove URLs" wizard to instruct Google to remove it from their cache. This is just another detail that you should consider, before deleting the blog in the first place.

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Tantra Flower said…
Thank you for this post. I have encountered this exact problem in the past. It may be too late for the one embarrassing post I deleted that is still visible in Google reader & search, but now I know how to delete properly for future reference. I appreciate your blog and what you're doing here very much!
Susan said…
Thank you! This is why I read your advice - I'm glad to be forewarned.
Anonymous said…
thanx for this nice eductional,tutorial,informative post.
Outside the Box said…
I wish I would have known this before I deleted the blog!
Unknown said…
Does anyome know how to, not restore, but delete a blog from deleted blogs? I hate a clutter, and I've had to delete two blogs, so I'm not exactly a fan of them showing up in my overall blogs. Thanks for the help.

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