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Blogger Does Not Have A Page / Post Recycle Bin

We see the occasional hopeful yet naive request, in Blogger Help Forum: Get Help with an Issue, about a common mistake.
I deleted my post, that I've been working on, for a week. How do I get it back?
Here, the blog owner is asking about a feature that has been requested, several times.

If you delete your blog, you can recover it - within 90 days, using the same Blogger account. There are no "do overs" for a deleted page or post, however.

Right now, there is no "recycle bin" or "trash can", for deleted pages and posts.

Here, the "Cancel" button is your best choice.

It may be possible to retrieve some deleted posts, from external cache.

Sometimes, we can retrieve deleted posts from external cache - when a post was published, and indexed in cache. Draft content is not cached, though - and static pages, even if published, are unlikely to be cached - unless explicitly submitted for indexing.

If the deleted page / post is not in cache, you can publish to a new URL.

If you can't find a deleted page or post in cache, you'll probably have to settle for publishing to a different URL. The deleted page or post will still retain the URL - and if you re publish using the same title, you'll get a URL with a duplication prevention suffix.

You can make the deleted URL work again, using a custom redirect.

You can make the deleted URL work, easily enough - if you setup a custom redirect, from the deleted URL to the URL that you publish. Your readers - and the search engines - will see the new URL, with the suffix on the end. Your readers - and the search engines - won't see the old "404 Not Found" error, though.

Use Google Feedback, if you believe this feature is needed.

If you believe, as I do, that the ability to retrieve deleted pages and posts is a needed feature, use "Google Feedback" - and let the engineers know your thoughts.


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