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Don't Make Your Blog Victim Of Alias Blocking Malware

Country specific domains were launched by Blogger almost 3 years ago.

Even this month, we see people with doubts about their benefits.
Is using a script, to prevent blogger country redirection, a violation of Blogger or Google TOS?
And the proposed script is the same one that is being used by spammers, to abuse the Blogger service.

Domain redirection blocking is not a TOS violation.

Blocking domain specific redirection subjects your blog to malware classification.

It does, however, make your blog vulnerable to malware classification - and it does impede the reputation of country specific domains, in general.

Country specific domains have a righteous purpose, for Blogger blogs. Your use of a redirection block will not help the effort by Google, to make Blogger blogs acceptable in every country, worldwide.

Fortunately, the redirection blocking script has to be installed, intentionally. It won't be installed without effort by you.

When your blog is classified, you won't get any sympathy.

When your blog is deleted or locked, and you report in Blogger Help Forum: Get Help with an Issue
Blogger just deleted my blog!
When we find your redirection block, you won't get any sympathy.

It interferes with other redirections.

When you publish your blog to a custom domain, you get a DNS based redirection, from the BlogSpot URL to the domain URL. This is how the BlogSpot URL remains operational, forever - and provides access to your blog, transparently.

Some browsers will block the BlogSpot to domain redirection, following your scripted redirection, as
Too many redirections!
This is a browser security feature, to protect your readers, from malicious websites. In this case, it prevents your readers from seeing your blog.

Like many DNS issues, you may never see this error - but some of your readers will. You will simply see your visitor statistics not increasing correctly, after otherwise successful migration to the domain.

It's not worth the trouble. Really.

And your blog won't benefit, from being locked. The long term effects really won't be worth the trouble you get.


Unknown said…
This is probably the first post from you that I have no clue
what it is about. Read it four times, still nada. My question
is, how do I know if I have redirects on my blog? I do get
visitors from other countries so apparently it is working although
I have no idea if I have country code things. I still have a lot
from Russia, some are ligit and no doubt most are not. I get more
if I use ping o matic. Weird.
Thanks for always posting good tips
Nitecruzr said…
Hi Jennie,

Thanks for the feedback.

The redirect block, as far as I know, only works from a script that has to be intentionally installed by the owner.

If you need to ask, then you most likely do not have a script. Relax a bit.

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