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Unique Content Requires More Than Hand Typing

We see discussions, in other forums - between a blog owner and an expert, discussing the necessity for unique content.

When advised that his blog is a problem because it is simply copy and pasted material, the response from some blog owners focuses on the term "copy and paste".
I type everything by hand, word by word! I do not copy, then paste!
But hand typed or not, the text can be easily Googled, and found in larger and better written websites.

Neither AdSense, Blogger, or Google Search care whether you use the keyboard or the mouse, to add content into post editor. You can type an article by hand - or you can highlight, then select "Copy" from the right click context menu, and finally select "Paste" from the right click context menu - and get the same result.

Even if you hand type, you still need to write original content - if you want your blog to have any future.

Hand typed or translated, copied content is copied content.

If you look at the screen with somebody else's website displayed, and you type based upon what you see, you are still copying the content of the other website. Even if you add extra words, change spelling, re paragraph or translate the text - when you finish, you end up with a copied article. Even if the content is now in a different language, it's still copied content.

Some blogs use photos of celebrities - scraped from other blogs and websites. An ingenious blog owner may crop, or resize, the photos when adding them to their blog. This will still make the blog vulnerable to spam classification.

Pictures of celebrities are generally copyrighted, by the original website. Blogs which contain scraped photos - cropped and resized - are still vulnerable to copyright / DMCA complaints - and deletion, by Google.

If the owner of the scraped blog / website gives permission for the scraping, they may not be the legal owner. The donor website, from which you scrape, may contain scraped material. Both their website, and your blog, are vulnerable to copyright / DMCA complaints.

Copying content was an established technique - long ago.

Long ago, high school students would be assigned a "term paper" by some teachers. Given enough time in the library, they could find any number of well written books containing articles about the assigned term paper subject.

Taking a couple paragraphs from one book, a few random sentences from another, and a page or two from a third, it was easy to construct an "original" paper discussing the assigned subject. The teacher would never know what content is copied - he / she has enough to do, just reading the papers of a couple dozen students.

If you can Google it, Google can detect you.

It's not that easy, if you need to fool Google. If you can Google the content, to copy and paste, the Google content quality control bot can find it too. Even if you add extra words, change spelling, re paragraph or translate the text, the Google bot can detect copied content - with far less effort than you took to disguise your copy.

The Chrome "Search Google for image" context menu entry will find the original versions of scraped photos - cropped and resized, or not. The legal owners of the photos, when you're caught, will still submit DMCA complaints - and the blog will be deleted.

If you want to publish a blog with a future, write your own content.

If you are going to publish a Blogger blog, you need informative, interesting, and unique content. That helps you publish a blog with ads which any real people read and use when purchasing merchandise, which will be searchable with decent listing position.

Content copied from a non Google website, even if hand typed, does not help you - and will not be accepted by AdSense.
Fact: We don’t allow sites with auto-generated or otherwise unoriginal content to participate in the AdSense program.
Need we say more?


5ftlatina said…
I'm tempted to pass this article along to those I've recently discovered have copied and pasted from the blog I administrate! And their usual defense is they didn't think they were copying from MY blog...they copied from somewhere else.

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