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Recovering A Company Blog, Using Company Email

Every week, in Blogger Help Forum: Get Help with an Issue, we see signs of improperly managed company blogs.
The person who developed our company blog left our employment - and did not give us access to the blog. How do we recover our blog?
If the former employee published the blog from a Blogger account that uses cloud based email, such as GMail, the blog may be legally his property.

A Blogger blog is owned by the person who controls it. If your company uses company owned email, however, you may be able to take control of the Blogger account, and the blog.

Company blogs should be company property - but if an employee controls a company blog, it's (legally) his blog.

The question is whether the former employee controls the blog, using a Blogger account based on public email, or on a company email account.

If the former employee used public email, then it's his blog.

If the current blog owner published the blog using a Blogger account that's based on public cloud based email, such as GMail, the blog may be legally his property. This gives you two choices.
  1. Contact the owner (former employee).
  2. Get a court order.

If the employee used company email, then the blog belongs to the company.

If the former employee used a Blogger account that's based on a company email account, the blog is legally company property. You may have a third choice.
  1. Recover control of the blog.

The company network administrator should have access to the email system incoming log. After you use "Forgot?", the administrator can check the incoming log, and look for email from Blogger or Google.

Finding a reference to any incoming email, the network administrator can help you retrieve the incoming message.

In the latter case, the company network administrator is the key.

You will need an email or network administrator who knows how to identify and retrieve incoming email. Given this ability, you have only to open the blog recovery email, and accept ownership of the blog.


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