Ever since Blogger Engineering completed the emergency upgrade to support Windows Live Writer, we've seen demands from people who use similar offline editors, and other third party products.
The "ClientLogin" protocol (aka OpenID 2.0) was replaced by OAuth 2.0 (aka OpenID Connect), last month. As the problem with Live Writer was diagnosed, in a joint effort by Blogger and Microsoft, we saw evidence that Live Writer was not the only offline editor, that needed attention.
Blogger is about personal choice, however - and some Blogger blog owners use offline editors that are not produced by Microsoft.
Now that Live Writer is once again operational, Blogger may need to consider other third party "Client" products - and reach out to their publishers.
I'll start with 5 products, where I can find specific mention in the forums.
Artisteer Support has been contacted by one blog owner.
Blog2Print is not an offline editor - but it apparently uses ClientLogin, when slurping private blogs. Right now, blog owners are told to make their blogs public, just while the blog is being slurped. This can be done, with little inconvenience - given some planning. Blog2Print was, at one time, a Blogger Partner - so hopefully, Blogger Engineering has or will reached out to them.
Blog2Print Support is aware of the problem.
BlogJet was reported as a problem, by one blog owner.
WordPress is reported to be demanding use of "OAuth 2.0", as advised by Google, when importing posts from Blogger.

Zoundry Raven was mentioned by several blog owners. However, it may be an unfortunate victim of the ClientLogin deprecation. Looking on the Zoundry Raven website, we see a reference to the future.
Given feedback, I'll add and update the status of additional products - and hopefully, Blogger Engineering will provide some suggestions of improvements coming.
(Update 6/7): Blogger and Microsoft created a backdoor, to allow Windows Live Writer to continue to work. Whether this will let your favourite third party offline editor also work remains to be tested. Your experience and feedback is welcome.
The "ClientLogin" protocol (aka OpenID 2.0) was replaced by OAuth 2.0 (aka OpenID Connect), last month. As the problem with Live Writer was diagnosed, in a joint effort by Blogger and Microsoft, we saw evidence that Live Writer was not the only offline editor, that needed attention.
The problem is not with Microsoft is with ALL external soft. Do not work with Zoundry Raven, BlogJet, Post2Blog, PowerBlog Personal Client, W.Bloggar, Windows Live Writer, etc.
Blogger is about personal choice, however - and some Blogger blog owners use offline editors that are not produced by Microsoft.
Now that Live Writer is once again operational, Blogger may need to consider other third party "Client" products - and reach out to their publishers.
I'll start with 5 products, where I can find specific mention in the forums.
- Artisteer
- Blog2Print
- BlogJet
- WordPress
- Zoundry Raven
Artisteer Support has been contacted by one blog owner.
Artisteer Software Engineers wrote me and said: it's an issue known and it's due by a Google change.It's possible that this may be a good candidate for reaching out.
Blog2Print is not an offline editor - but it apparently uses ClientLogin, when slurping private blogs. Right now, blog owners are told to make their blogs public, just while the blog is being slurped. This can be done, with little inconvenience - given some planning. Blog2Print was, at one time, a Blogger Partner - so hopefully, Blogger Engineering has or will reached out to them.
Blog2Print Support is aware of the problem.
Blog2Print is aware of this issue and we are working hard to fix it. If you run into this issue, please contact our customer service team at support@sharedbook.com
As a temporary work around, you can make your blog public, generate and save your book. Once the book is saved you will be able to restore the privacy settings on your blog.
BlogJet was reported as a problem, by one blog owner.
I downloaded Blogjet but it won't recognize my blog. I've turned off my firewall and tried it several different ways. Is it a Blogger setting that I can't find, a Blogjet issue or some setting on my computer?Looking at the BlogJet website, we see that the current version BlogJet 3, was released in March 2013.
WordPress is reported to be demanding use of "OAuth 2.0", as advised by Google, when importing posts from Blogger.
Google no longer supports OAuth 1.0

Zoundry Raven was mentioned by several blog owners. However, it may be an unfortunate victim of the ClientLogin deprecation. Looking on the Zoundry Raven website, we see a reference to the future.
Zoundry Raven Goes Open Source!Referencing the linked blog, we see the most recent post.
Join us in making Raven the best blog editor on the market today. Read the full announcement here on our blog.
The good news is that, to this end, we have decided to release Raven as an open-source project.You'll note that the "open-source" promise is dated 2009. Barring a long hibernation, I'm not confident that the open sourcing, of Zoundry Raven, is very active.
Given feedback, I'll add and update the status of additional products - and hopefully, Blogger Engineering will provide some suggestions of improvements coming.
(Update 6/7): Blogger and Microsoft created a backdoor, to allow Windows Live Writer to continue to work. Whether this will let your favourite third party offline editor also work remains to be tested. Your experience and feedback is welcome.
I wrote a week ago to Zoundy and nobody answer me. The forum is died from 2010. The only person that make something with Raven is here http://chuahtc.blogspot.com/2015/05/unable-to-access-bloggerblogspot-from.html, but he says (in the comments) that is very hard make something for himself.
Now I do not understand: I have XP and WLW 2009 and now works fine. Is very clear that WLW not have any change, only Google has the change. Then, Why they not make the change for all the third part?
Raven has a manager, and I can have my full blog in my HD. I think that is more complete that WLW, but Google only fix WLW. Why?
Excuse the English, I speak Spanish
Both Zoundry Raven (client software) and Blogger (server software) have to be updated, to support new security requirements.
Blogger Engineers made the changes required in their servers - and now the publishers of Zoundry Raven need to do their part.
If the only person that make something with Raven has decided that is very hard make something for himself - and he cannot update Zoundry Raven to support the Blogger changes - then Zoundry Raven will cease to work with Blogger.
This is a problem, with third party software. There has to be a third party, to maintain the software.
All software requires maintenance. Blogger requires ongoing maintenance - and Zoundry Raven does too.
I understand the Zoundry problem
I said that I do not understand how my WLW 2009 now works fine without any update. Is very clear that WLW not have any change, only Google has the change.
Then, if Google know that the other soft not have updates, why Google not make something? Why they only made a fix for WLW.
My WLW is in my HD from 2010. If WLW can login to Blogger and Zoundry not, then Google make the changes, and not Microsoft
My question is: Why Google do not make the changes for the others old offline editors too? Why only for Microsoft?
Thanks for your time!
Both Google and Microsoft occasionally make automatic updates to their software, when the need is urgent, which changes what you have on your computer. It's possible that WLW users overlooked the change - or maybe Microsoft did not indicate that a change was being made.
Whatever Microsoft did, they made changes to Windows Live Writer - and Zoundry Raven will need similar changes. And similar changes must be made in Zoundry Raven - whether or not they are indicated to the users of Zoundry Raven.
And the changes required must be made by a Zoundry Raven software engineer.
It appears that Blogger provides a backdoor, which is enabled by a new Google Security setting, which allows LiveWriter to work.
You are welcome to try this setting, with Zoundry Raven. I have not tested this in any way - so you may be the first.
About the backdoor I haved enabled from 2014 and not work Zoundry and WLW, WLW only works 5 days later, but I always have enabled.
When the user wrote "·IT'S WORKING AGAIN!!! With a caveat -..." WLW was working fine more than 13 hours ago, but for the special fix for MIcrosoft not for enabled any app. And remember, I always haved enabled, working WLW or not.
I repeat: Google make a chenge ONLY for Microsoft.
Thanks for your time and sorry but the English
1. The "less secure app" designation still requires the client software to be updated.
2. Microsoft pushed an emergency update, to make WLW work as a less secure app.
3. Blog owners who have enabled emergency updates got the WLW update, those who have not enabled emergency updates did not get the update.
4. Zoundry Raven and other client software programmes have to be updated, if people are going to use their products.
The bottom line is that Blogger did not intentionally make a change to only enable WLW to work - the change that they made requires a supporting change in the client software. Which means that Blogger is moving forward - not backward.
I'm going to push Blogger Engineering to work harder to reach out to the publishers of products like Zoundry Raven. You can do the same, from your side. But ZR will have to be updated.
How can I tell you? I do not have enabled emergency updates, really any kind of update, all is BLOCKED, I have bloked any Microsoft and whatever upload or change
I understand about Zoundry, but Microsoft not make changes, Google makes for Microsoft, and today I confirmed with one test:
1) I put my Acronis image backup from January 2015 that has disable Internet.
2) I blocked ALL Connections from other computers.
3) Enable Internet
4) As soon is possible make that WLW read the feed of my blog and WLW works perfect
5) Send a post with WLW and works perfect
Now tell me where is the Microsoft update in my PC. All is blocked and only past 6 seconds from enable Internet and connect WLW with my blog
And I told you that I wrote to ZR and nobody answer me (one mail every 2 days)
Thanks for answer me
I don't know what to tell you. All that we know is that Microsoft made changes to LiveWriter, to get it to work with Blogger. The changes were not just made to Blogger.
Anyway, try ZR after you enable "LessSecureApps", and see what happens. If that does not help, then ZR will be out of service, until a ZR support person steps up to the plate.
Like Nancy says Google fix WLW (and without any update) and not Microsoft.
I told you 'cause one week later from the fix to WLW, exactly June 11, I can post again without any problem with Zoundry Raven!! but... until yesterday, 'cause Google disable again. Raven works perfect for 12 days!!!! And without any Windows update (I have XP too and without uopdates
I don't understand why Blogger Engineers enable ZR and now disable again. Ah! And only works ZR, 'cause every day I tested 5 more Offline Editors, and only works ZR
Can you do something? Can you talk with Blogger Engineers for enabled again? Please!
I really need Raven
Excuse the English! And thanks for your blog!
You can read the problem here
Your English beats my Spanish.
I reported this latest episode in the "OAuth" saga, to Blogger Engineering. They are claiming complete innocence, from any changes made to Raven - and consequently, complete innocence from any contribution to its recent collapse.
They're keeping an eye on the forum topic - as I will be doing - and see if they can find any clues. Right now, you may have to treat Raven as a dead product - unless you can get the publisher back in action.
Blogger does not support third party products.