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The EPP Code - Key To Any Domain Transfer

Every domain transfer - from one owner to another, or one registrar to another - starts with obtaining then providing the EPP code for the domain.

The EPP code is an ownership certificate, similar to the mysterious second "CNAME", used by Blogger to verify domain ownership. You get the code from the current registrar - and pass the code to the new owner or registrar.

Whether you are moving your domain registration from Blogger to another registrar. or maybe moving from another registrar to Blogger, passing the EPP code to the new registrar is essential, in having the potential registrar accept registration.

Providing the EPP code, as part of a domain registration transfer, ensures that only the legal domain owner can initiate a transfer.

You can keep your domain under your control - or pass it on.

Your domain remains your domain - or permits you to, conveniently and deliberately, pass ownership to another person.

No matter the reason behind the registration transfer.

  • A Blogger custom domain, being reused as a non Google website.
  • A non Google website, being reused as a Blogger custom domain.
  • A different registrar, for the same domain use.
  • A new domain owner, using whatever registrar desired.

The EPP code is an essential component. in the transfer.

The EPP code is a 6 to 16 character code, assigned by the current registrar. You simply need access to the dashboard wizard, for the current registrar, to obtain the code.

  1. Update all contact information, for the domain. Up to date email addresses are essential.
  2. Follow instructions of the current registrar, to obtain the EPP code.
  3. Pass the code to the new owner or registrar. You may use email, or a website form, as instructed.
  4. You, or the current domain contact, may receive email requesting transfer verification. Correct and unfiltered email is essential.
  5. Wait, while the current and new registrar, complete the transfer.
  6. If you are transferring your domain to a new registrar, and retaining ownership, follow their instructions to complete registration.

Both "Transfer Out" (from the current registrar) and "Transfer In" (to the new registrar) procedures will be different, for every registrar.

If you plan to pass control in the future, find the code, now.

Note the advice from WikiPedia, referencing the "EPP Code" as "auth-info code".

When getting a new registrar, it is prudent to locate the auth-info code and procedure early. Registrars may assume your only interest in the code is so you can take your business away, and might impede your getting your code when you have only a few days left before losing your domain.

It's best to be prepared, in advance. Obtain detailed instructions - "Transfer Out" (from the current registrar) and "Transfer In" (from the new registrar) - before starting the transfer.

Review both sets of instructions, together. Verify that you can do both procedures, in proper sequence.

Providing the EPP code is simply one step, in the process of changing domain ownership, or moving domain registration.

The new owner can keep the domain as is - or move it elsewhere.

With the domain in the hands of a new owner, that person can leave the domain as it is - or transfer to another registrar. With the domain in the hands of the new registrar, somebody needs to setup the domain - then to setup the DNS addresses, as required by the current / new service.

Just understand how, and when, the EPP code must be provided - because that is the one constant, between you, a new owner, the current registrar, and / or the new registrar.


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