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Using A Non Google Custom Domain In Blogger

Similar to concerns about using a Google custom domain outside Blogger, we have concerns about using an existing non Google custom domain with Blogger.

One of the advantages of the Blogger custom domain feature is that it gives you the option to publish a Blogger blog to an existing domain. The existing domain can be part of a WordPress hosted website, a website hosted by your ISP, or by any registrar - as long as you have access to a domain dashboard (aka "zone editor"), and can add the required DNS addresses.

If the need to use the Blogger blog in the domain is strong enough - and if the existing registrar does not provide dashboard access, or the necessary addresses - you may be able to transfer domain hosting, to a more suitable registrar.

The process of publishing a Blogger blog, to an existing domain used outside Google, will vary, depending upon how the domain is currently hosted - and requirements to retain an existing non Google website.

Consider The Options.

There are several ways to add / substitute a Blogger blog, into a domain originally purchased for use outside Google.

  1. Transfer domain registration, to a Blogger compatible registrar.
  2. Update domain DNS, with the current registrar, to only point to your Blogger blog.
  3. Update domain DNS, with the current registrar, to also point to your Blogger blog.

Within these options are additional possibilities.

Transfer domain registration, to a Blogger compatible registrar.

In the long run, and for the most predictable results with Blogger, it will be best to transfer domain hosting to a Blogger compatible registrar. This will require that you obtain the EPP code, from the current registrar.

Some (not all) Blogger blog owners may be able to use Google Domains as the new registrar. Google Domains is the preferred registrar, for any Blogger / Google custom domain.

Blogger blog owners who cannot use Google Domains may use either eNom or GoDaddy - or any suitable registrar. Both eNom and GoDaddy have some familiarity with hosting custom domains. GoDaddy is known to provide aggressive domain acceptance, for transferring hosting into their care.

If you cannot use either eNom, GoDaddy, or Google Domains, you may use any registrar able to provide required DNS addressing, who can accept domain hosting transfer. Note as with any third party registrar, you may be required to deal with various oddities of the registrar.

The latter choice could even include free DNS hosting. Since domain registry is not a free feature, for most registrars, there will likely be restrictions on domain availability and essential services - so choose any "free" service carefully.

Update domain DNS, with the current registrar, to only point to your Blogger blog.

If you need or prefer - and if the current registrar will provide the necessary DNS addresses - you may leave the domain hosted with the current registrar. You can then remove existing host addresses, and add DNS addresses to publish the Blogger blog using a symmetrical address complement - or using an asymmetrical address complement.

Update domain DNS, with the current registrar, to also point to your Blogger blog.

If you need, because you wish to continue publishing a non Google website, and if the current registrar can provide the necessary DNS address for your Blogger blog, you may be able to leave the domain hosted with the current registrar. You can add an additional virtual host, to publish the Blogger blog.

Whatever your decision, consider the needs of custom domain publishing.

As I've repeatedly stated, publishing a Blogger blog to a custom domain is very simple - as long as you adhere to the requirements. This specific project, though may not be so simple. Be aware of the details - and start this project only when you are able to deal with the details.

With the domain operational, setup a Blogger blog - then maybe import content.

When you get the domain working, it's time for the creative work. Setup a Blogger blog - and import from any suitable blog extract - or maybe from a converted WordPress Export file.

Prepare to see a lot of 404s, if your readers have bookmarked the blog.

However you import the posts, you can import the content as carefully as possible. You can have the same post titles - but every different blogging service has different ways of mapping a post title, into a URL.

If your readers have bookmarked your posts (as any blog publisher would appreciate), when you import the blog content, you're going to have post URLs that will differ. Any bookmarks will go straight to 404 status.

Your readers will be getting a lot of "404 Not Found" from their bookmarks. You should consider making a custom "404" display for the blog, as a start. Alternately / complementarily, you may consider using custom redirects.


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